- Many Options to tweak.
- No external library required.
- Only one file needed.
- Premade CSS.
- No need to write CSS (options to tweak colors).
- Lightweight.
- Cool...
- I know non till now.
new EmojiPicker({
trigger: [
selector: '.btn1',
insertInto: ['.txt0', '.txt1']
selector: '#btn2',
insertInto: '.txt1'
closeButton: true,
dragButton: true,
width: 350,
height: 370,
addPosX: -130,
addPosY: -380,
tabbed: true,
navPos: "bottom",
navButtonReversed: false,
disableSearch: false,
hiddenScrollBar: true,
animation: "slideDown",
animationDuration: "1s",
disableNav: false,
emojiDim: {
emojiPerRow: 5,
emojiSize: 30,
emojiButtonHeight: 80,
hideCategory: false
// color: {
// pickerBackground: "#181818",
// searchBackground: "#202020",
// foreground: "#fff",
// navbarColor: "#000",
// iconHoverColor: "",
// borderColor: "",
// searchBackground: "",
// navbarColor: "",
// navButtonHoverBG: "",
// navButtonActiveBG: "",
// navSvgFill: "",
// closeMoveButtonColor: "",
// }
// navButtonSvg: {
// button1: "",
// button2: "",
// button3: "",
// button4: "",
// button5: "",
// button6: "",
// button7: "",
// button8: ``
// }
// addEmoji: {
// pickerTab: "a",
// customPickerTabIcon: ``,
// emoji: [
// {
// "emoji": "⚡",
// "title": "electronic"
// },
// {
// "emoji": "🚑",
// "title": "car"
// },
// ]
// } && many more coming soon and available...
Trigger :- (Array) Take an array of objects. Each object having selector and insertInto property.
selector :- (String) Take a button's id or class to make it as a popup button.
insertInto :- (Array or string) Take an input's or textarea's id or class to insert emojies.
closeButton :- (Boolean) Hides or shows the close button.
dragButton :- (Boolean) Hides or shows the drag button.
width :- (Integer) Specifies width of picker.
height :- (Integer) Specifies height of picker.
addPosX :- (Integer) add the value to the X position of picker.
addPosY :- (Integer) add the value to the Y position of picker.
tabbed :- (Boolean) displays each section as tab, if true or as a single div.
navPos :- ("bottom" || "top") specifies position of the navigation bar.
navButtonReversed :- (Boolean) reverses order of buttons in nav bar.
disableSearch :- (Boolean) disables search bar.
hiddenScrollBar :- (Boolean) hides the scroll bar, if true, not for firefox.
animation :- (String) takes popup, slideUp, slideDown, slideLeft, slideRight or fade.
animationDuration :- (String) changes duration of popup animation, any css time compatible string.
disableNav :- (Boolean) hides the navigation bar.
emojiDim :- (Object) sets dimensions of emoji and related things.
emojiPerRow :- (Integer) defines how many in a row.
emojiSize :- (Integer) the size of emojies.
emojiButtonHeight :- (Integer) the height of emoji button.
hideCategory :- (Boolean) shows/hides the title of section.