#TSP4j - Travel Salesman Problem Solver in Java This simple solver reads file from following TSPlib standard representing tours, computes for 3 minutes and then gives the best tour that has been found. This project is not complete yet. I hope to have the time to improve that in the near future. Feel free to contact me if you have anything to ask. Input folder : resources/TSPProblems Output folder : resources/TSPTours
- Building : Nearest Neighbour
- Local-Optimization : 2opt + 2optCandidates
- MetaHeuristic : AntColonySystem
It does not need any extra library. Everything has been implemented from scratch. It requires Java 8+
This project has been developed during my Bachelor studies at DTI-SUPSI (http://www.supsi.ch/home_en.html), during my "Algorithms and Optimization" module.