is a command line memory analysis tool for managed code. It can show which objects use most space on the managed heap just like !DumpHeap from Windbg without the need to install and attach a debugger.
- Single self contained executable
- Supports x86 and x64 processes and memory dumps
- .NET Core x86 and x64 support
- Create memory dumps with associated VMMap data
- Analyze managed heap, unmanaged, private bytes and file mappings when VMMap is present.
- Memory dump diff
- Optional CSV output
C>MemAnalyzer.exe -dts -pid 1234
Allocated(Bytes) Instances(Count) Type
2,529,742 61,330 System.String
918,928 23 System.String[]
267,648 11,152 System.Int32
35,336 9 System.Object[]
3,248 58 System.RuntimeType
1,072 2 System.Globalization.CultureData
764 3 System.Char[]
732 12 System.Int32[]
432 1 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary+Entry<System.Type,System.Security.Policy.EvidenceTypeDescriptor>[]
432 2 System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo
320 2 System.Threading.ThreadAbortException
3,808,968 Total(Heap Size)
44,922 Total(Free)
3,764,046 72,671 Total(Allocated)
C>MemAnalyzer.exe -dtn -f 50KStringsx64.dmp
Allocated(Bytes) Instances(Count) Type
2,529,742 61,330 System.String
267,648 11,152 System.Int32
3,248 58 System.RuntimeType
918,928 23 System.String[]
732 12 System.Int32[]
35,336 9 System.Object[]
144 6 System.Object
96 4 System.UInt16
3,808,968 Total(Heap Size)
44,922 Total(Free)
3,764,046 72,671 Total(Allocated)
C>MemAnalyzer.exe -dstrings -f 50KStringsx64.dmp
Strings(Count) Waste(Bytes) String
500 20,958 String 0
500 20,958 String 1
500 20,958 String 2
500 20,958 String 3
500 20,958 String 4
500 20,958 String 5
Strings 61,330 count
Allocated Size 2,529,742 bytes
Waste Duplicate Strings 2,515,898 bytes
C>MemAnalyzer.exe -dts -f 50KStringsx64.dmp -f2 Dumps\Emptyx64.dmp
Delta(Bytes) Delta(Instances Instances Instances2 Allocated(Bytes) Allocated2(Bytes) AvgSize(Bytes) AvgSize2(Bytes) Type
-2,522,006 -61,161 61,330 169 2,529,742 7,736 41 45 System.String
-917,632 -4 23 19 918,928 1,296 39953 68 System.String[]
-267,576 -11,149 11,152 3 267,648 72 24 24 System.Int32
360 1 0 1 0 360 360 System.Reflection.CustomAttributeRecord[]
-3,705,105 -72,283 72,671 388 3,764,046 58,941 N.A. N.A. Total
C>MemAnalyzer.exe -dts -f 50KStringsx64.dmp -o test.csv
Writing output to csv file test22.csv
MemAnalyzer by Alois Kraus 2017
MemAnalyzer [ -f DumpFile or -pid ddd [ -f2 DumpFile or -pid2 ddd ] -dts [N] or -dtn [N] or -dstrings [N] [-live] [-unit DisplayUnit] [-vmmap] ]
[-o Output.csv [-sep \t] [-noexcelsep] [-time "externalTime"]]
[ [-verifydump] -procdump pidOrExe [outputDumpFileOrDir]]
-f fileName Dump file to analyze.
-f2 fileName Second dump file to diff.
-pid ddd Live process to analyze.
-pid2 ddd Second live process to diff. You can also mix to compare e.g. a dump and a live process e.g. -pid2 ddd -f dump.dmp
-vmmap Fetch from live processes VMMAP data. VMMap.exe must be in the path to work.
-dts N (default) Dump top N types by object size. Default for N is 20.
-dtn N Dump top N types by object count. Default for N is 20.
N can be a number or ddd;N#dd where the first number ddd is a threshold value to consider only types with an instance count greater ddd. The second number is the TopN number
-dstrings N Dump top N duplicate strings and global statistics. Default for N is 20.
-showAddress Used together with -dstrings. Show the address of one string of a given value
-unit DisplayUnit DisplayUnit can be Bytes, KB, MB or GB
-live If present only reachable (live) objects are considered in the statistics. Takes longer to calculate.
-dacdir dir If the dump file is from a machine with a different version you can tell MemAnalyzer in which directory to search for matching dac dlls.
See!AhcFq7XO98yJgoMwuPd7LNioVKAp_A for a collection of dac dlls from .NET 2.0 up to 4.7.
-silent Suppress information messages
Dump Creation:
-procdump args Create a memory dump and VMMap snapshot of a process. Needs procdump.exe and vmmap.exe in the path to work
-verifydump Used with -procdump. This checks the managed heap for consistency to be sure that it can be loaded later
CSV Output
-o output.csv Write output to csv file instead of console
-overwrite Overwrite CSV output if file already exist. Otherwise it is appended
-timefmt "xxx" xxx can be Invariant or a .NET DateTime format string for CSV output. See
-time "Mon..." Supply an external time string which is put into the Time column of the CSV output. This helps to group by time for a specific snapshot in Excel because otherwise MemAnalyzer will
always use the current time for each process which is dumped. That makes it harder to filter by time for for a bunch of observed processes
-context "xxx" Additional context which is added to the context column. Useful for test reporting to e.g. add test run number to get a metric how much it did leak per test run
-sep "x" CSV separator character. Default is tab
-noexcelsep By default write sep= to make things easier when working with Excel. When set sep= is not added to CSV output
-renameProc xxx.xml Optional xml file which contains executable and command line substrings to rename processes based on their command line to get better names
Return Value: If -dts/dtn is used it will return the allocated managed memory in KB
If additionally -vmmap is present it will return allocated Managed Heap + Heap + Private + Shareable + File Mappings
Dump types by size from dump file which was created with a different .NET Version
MemAnalyzer -f xx.dmp -dts -dacdir c:\mscordacwks
Dump types by object count from a running process with process id ddd.
MemAnalyzer -pid ddd -dtn
Diff two memory dump files where (f2 - f) is shown. VMMap information is also used to (see -procdump) to diff unmanaged heap and other memory types
MemAnalyzer -f dump1.dmp -f2 dump2.dmp -dts -vmmap
Dump string duplicates of live process and write it to CSV file
MemAnalyzer -pid ddd -dstrings -o StringDuplicates.csv
Create a full process dump along with VMMap information if VMMap is in the path. Procdump will expand PROCESSNAME, PID, ... by itself
MemAnalyzer -procdump -ma pid C:\temp\PROCESSNAME_PID_YYMMDD_HHMMSS.dmp