diff --git a/e2e/components/info-drawer/info-drawer.ts b/e2e/components/info-drawer/info-drawer.ts
index 47fdd6fbd6..96b55519e8 100755
--- a/e2e/components/info-drawer/info-drawer.ts
+++ b/e2e/components/info-drawer/info-drawer.ts
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
* along with Alfresco. If not, see .
-import { ElementFinder, ElementArrayFinder, by, browser, ExpectedConditions as EC } from 'protractor';
+import { ElementFinder, ElementArrayFinder, by, browser, ExpectedConditions as EC, until } from 'protractor';
import { Component } from '../component';
import { BROWSER_WAIT_TIMEOUT } from '../../configs';
@@ -44,6 +44,19 @@ export class InfoDrawer extends Component {
headerTitle: '.adf-info-drawer-layout-header-title',
+ // comments tab
+ commentsContainer: '.adf-comments-container',
+ commentsHeader: '.adf-comments-header',
+ commentsTextArea: '.adf-comments-input-container textarea',
+ addCommentButton: 'button.adf-comments-input-add',
+ commentsList: '.adf-comment-list',
+ commentsListItem: '.adf-comment-list-item',
+ commentById: `adf-comment-`,
+ commentUserName: 'comment-user',
+ commentUserAvatar: 'comment-user-icon',
+ commentMessage: 'comment-message',
+ commentTime: 'comment-time',
// metadata card
metadataTabContent: '.app-metadata-tab .mat-card-content',
metadataTabAction: '.app-metadata-tab .mat-card-actions .mat-button',
@@ -65,6 +78,19 @@ export class InfoDrawer extends Component {
tabActiveContent: ElementFinder = this.component.element(by.css(InfoDrawer.selectors.activeTabContent));
+ commentsContainer: ElementFinder = this.component.element(by.css(InfoDrawer.selectors.commentsContainer));
+ commentsHeader: ElementFinder = this.component.element(by.css(InfoDrawer.selectors.commentsHeader));
+ commentTextarea: ElementFinder = this.component.element(by.css(InfoDrawer.selectors.commentsTextArea));
+ addCommentButton: ElementFinder = this.component.element(by.css(InfoDrawer.selectors.addCommentButton));
+ commentsList: ElementArrayFinder = this.component.all(by.css(InfoDrawer.selectors.commentsListItem));
+ commentListItem = by.css(InfoDrawer.selectors.commentsListItem);
+ commentUserAvatar = by.id(InfoDrawer.selectors.commentUserAvatar);
+ commentUser = by.id(InfoDrawer.selectors.commentUserName)
+ commentText = by.id(InfoDrawer.selectors.commentMessage);
+ commentTime = by.id(InfoDrawer.selectors.commentTime);
nextButton: ElementFinder = this.component.element(by.css(InfoDrawer.selectors.next));
previousButton: ElementFinder = this.component.element(by.css(InfoDrawer.selectors.previous));
@@ -98,22 +124,36 @@ export class InfoDrawer extends Component {
return !(await browser.isElementPresent(by.css(InfoDrawer.selectors.tabs)));
+ async waitForCommentsTabContainer() {
+ await browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(this.commentsContainer), BROWSER_WAIT_TIMEOUT);
+ }
getTabByTitle(title: string) {
return this.component.element(by.cssContainingText(InfoDrawer.selectors.tabLabel, title));
+ async getTabsCount() {
+ return await this.component.all(by.css(InfoDrawer.selectors.tabLabel)).count();
+ }
async isTabPresent(title: string) {
return await this.getTabByTitle(title).isPresent();
async isTabDisplayed(title: string) {
- return await this.getTabByTitle(title).isDisplayed();
+ if (await browser.isElementPresent(this.getTabByTitle(title))) {
+ return await this.getTabByTitle(title).isDisplayed();
+ }
async getTabTitle(index: number) {
return await this.tabLabelsList.get(index - 1).getAttribute('innerText');
+ async getActiveTabTitle() {
+ return await this.tabActiveLabel.getText();
+ }
async clickTab(title: string) {
await this.getTabByTitle(title).click();
@@ -184,6 +224,34 @@ export class InfoDrawer extends Component {
return await this.isTabDisplayed('About');
+ async isPropertiesTabDisplayed() {
+ return await this.isTabDisplayed('Properties');
+ }
+ async isCommentsTabDisplayed() {
+ return await this.isTabDisplayed('Comments');
+ }
+ async clickCommentsTab() {
+ try {
+ await this.getTabByTitle('Comments').click();
+ await this.waitForCommentsTabContainer();
+ await browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(this.addCommentButton), BROWSER_WAIT_TIMEOUT);
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error('--- catch error on clickCommentsTab ---');
+ throw error;
+ }
+ }
+ async clickAboutTab() {
+ try {
+ return await this.getTabByTitle('About').click();
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error('--- catch error on clickAboutTab ---');
+ }
+ }
async isMessageDisplayed() {
return await browser.isElementPresent(this.hint);
@@ -321,5 +389,75 @@ export class InfoDrawer extends Component {
return await this.clickButton('Cancel');
+ async getCommentsTabHeaderText() {
+ return await this.commentsHeader.getText();
+ }
+ async isCommentTextAreaDisplayed() {
+ return await browser.isElementPresent(this.commentTextarea);
+ }
+ async isAddCommentButtonEnabled() {
+ const present = await browser.isElementPresent(this.addCommentButton);
+ if (present) {
+ return await this.addCommentButton.isEnabled();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ async getCommentListItem() {
+ return await browser.wait(until.elementLocated(this.commentListItem), BROWSER_WAIT_TIMEOUT / 2);
+ }
+ async getCommentById(commentId?: string) {
+ if (commentId) {
+ return await browser.wait(until.elementLocated(by.id(`${InfoDrawer.selectors.commentById}${commentId}`)), BROWSER_WAIT_TIMEOUT / 2);
+ }
+ return await this.getCommentListItem();
+ }
+ async isCommentDisplayed(commentId?: string) {
+ return await browser.isElementPresent(await this.getCommentById(commentId));
+ }
+ async isCommentUserAvatarDisplayed(commentId?: string) {
+ const commentElement = await this.getCommentById(commentId);
+ return await browser.isElementPresent(commentElement.findElement(this.commentUserAvatar));
+ }
+ async getCommentText(commentId?: string) {
+ const commentElement = await this.getCommentById(commentId);
+ const message = await commentElement.findElement(this.commentText);
+ return await message.getText();
+ }
+ async getCommentUserName(commentId?: string) {
+ const commentElement = await this.getCommentById(commentId);
+ const user = await commentElement.findElement(this.commentUser);
+ return await user.getText();
+ }
+ async getCommentTime(commentId?: string) {
+ const commentElement = await this.getCommentById(commentId);
+ const time = await commentElement.findElement(this.commentTime);
+ return await time.getText();
+ }
+ async getNthCommentId(index: number) {
+ return await this.commentsList.get(index - 1).getAttribute('id');
+ }
+ async typeComment(text: string) {
+ return await this.commentTextarea.sendKeys(text);
+ }
+ async clickAddButton() {
+ return await this.addCommentButton.click();
+ }
+ async getCommentTextFromTextArea() {
+ return await this.commentTextarea.getAttribute('value');
+ }
diff --git a/e2e/suites/info-drawer/comments.test.ts b/e2e/suites/info-drawer/comments.test.ts
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..8399c50678
--- /dev/null
+++ b/e2e/suites/info-drawer/comments.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+ * @license
+ * Alfresco Example Content Application
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2018 Alfresco Software Limited
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Alfresco Example Content Application.
+ * If the software was purchased under a paid Alfresco license, the terms of
+ * the paid license agreement will prevail. Otherwise, the software is
+ * provided under the following open source license terms:
+ *
+ * The Alfresco Example Content Application is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * The Alfresco Example Content Application is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with Alfresco. If not, see .
+ */
+import { LoginPage, BrowsingPage } from '../../pages/pages';
+import { RepoClient } from '../../utilities/repo-client/repo-client';
+import { InfoDrawer } from './../../components/info-drawer/info-drawer';
+import { Utils } from '../../utilities/utils';
+import * as moment from 'moment';
+describe('Comments', () => {
+ const username = `user1-${Utils.random()}`;
+ const parent = `parent-${Utils.random()}`; let parentId;
+ const file1 = `file1-${Utils.random()}.txt`;
+ const fileWith1Comment = `file1Comment-${Utils.random()}.txt`; let fileWith1CommentId;
+ const fileWith2Comments = `file2Comments-${Utils.random()}.txt`; let fileWith2CommentsId;
+ const file2Personal = `file2Personal-${Utils.random()}.txt`;
+ const file2Shared = `file2Shared-${Utils.random()}.txt`; let file2SharedId;
+ const file2Recent = `file2Recent-${Utils.random()}.txt`;
+ const file2Favorites = `file2Favorites-${Utils.random()}.txt`; let file2FavoritesId;
+ let commentFile1Entry;
+ let comment1File2Entry, comment2File2Entry;
+ const apis = {
+ admin: new RepoClient(),
+ user: new RepoClient(username, username)
+ };
+ const infoDrawer = new InfoDrawer();
+ const loginPage = new LoginPage();
+ const page = new BrowsingPage();
+ const { dataTable } = page;
+ beforeAll(async (done) => {
+ await apis.admin.people.createUser({ username });
+ parentId = (await apis.user.nodes.createFolder(parent)).entry.id;
+ await apis.user.nodes.createFile(file1, parentId);
+ await apis.user.nodes.createFile(file2Personal, parentId);
+ await apis.user.nodes.createFile(file2Recent, parentId);
+ file2SharedId = (await apis.user.nodes.createFile(file2Shared, parentId)).entry.id
+ file2FavoritesId = (await apis.user.nodes.createFile(file2Favorites, parentId)).entry.id;
+ fileWith1CommentId = (await apis.user.nodes.createFile(fileWith1Comment, parentId)).entry.id;
+ fileWith2CommentsId = (await apis.user.nodes.createFile(fileWith2Comments, parentId)).entry.id;
+ commentFile1Entry = (await apis.user.comments.addComment(fileWith1CommentId, 'this is my comment')).entry;
+ comment1File2Entry = (await apis.user.comments.addComment(fileWith2CommentsId, 'first comment')).entry;
+ comment2File2Entry = (await apis.user.comments.addComment(fileWith2CommentsId, 'second comment')).entry;
+ await apis.user.shared.shareFilesByIds([file2SharedId, fileWith1CommentId, fileWith2CommentsId]);
+ await apis.user.favorites.addFavoritesByIds('file', [file2FavoritesId, fileWith1CommentId, fileWith2CommentsId]);
+ await loginPage.loginWith(username);
+ done();
+ });
+ afterAll(async (done) => {
+ await apis.user.nodes.deleteNodeById(parentId);
+ done();
+ });
+ describe('from Personal Files', () => {
+ beforeEach(async (done) => {
+ await page.clickPersonalFilesAndWait();
+ await dataTable.doubleClickOnRowByName(parent);
+ done();
+ });
+ afterEach(async (done) => {
+ await dataTable.clearSelection();
+ done();
+ });
+ it('Comments tab default fields - [C299173]', async () => {
+ await dataTable.selectItem(file1);
+ await page.toolbar.clickViewDetails();
+ await infoDrawer.waitForInfoDrawerToOpen();
+ await infoDrawer.clickCommentsTab();
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getActiveTabTitle()).toBe('COMMENTS');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentsTabHeaderText()).toBe('Comments (0)');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isCommentTextAreaDisplayed()).toBe(true, 'Comment field not present');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isAddCommentButtonEnabled()).toBe(false, 'Add comment button not disabled');
+ });
+ it('Comment info display - [C280582]', async () => {
+ await dataTable.selectItem(fileWith1Comment);
+ await page.toolbar.clickViewDetails();
+ await infoDrawer.waitForInfoDrawerToOpen();
+ await infoDrawer.clickCommentsTab();
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentsTabHeaderText()).toBe('Comments (1)');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isCommentTextAreaDisplayed()).toBe(true, 'Comment field not present');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isAddCommentButtonEnabled()).toBe(false, 'Add comment button not disabled');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isCommentDisplayed(commentFile1Entry.id)).toBe(true, `Comment with id: ${commentFile1Entry.id} not displayed`);
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentText(commentFile1Entry.id)).toBe(commentFile1Entry.content, 'Incorrect comment text');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentUserName(commentFile1Entry.id)).toBe(`${username} ${username}`, 'Incorrect comment user');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentTime(commentFile1Entry.id)).toBe(moment(commentFile1Entry.createdAt).fromNow(), 'Incorrect comment created time');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isCommentUserAvatarDisplayed(commentFile1Entry.id)).toBe(true, 'User avatar not displayed');
+ });
+ it('Comments are displayed ordered by created date in descending order - [C280583]', async () => {
+ await dataTable.selectItem(fileWith2Comments);
+ await page.toolbar.clickViewDetails();
+ await infoDrawer.waitForInfoDrawerToOpen();
+ await infoDrawer.clickCommentsTab();
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getNthCommentId(1)).toContain(comment2File2Entry.id);
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getNthCommentId(2)).toContain(comment1File2Entry.id);
+ });
+ it('Total number of comments is displayed - [C280585]', async () => {
+ await dataTable.selectItem(fileWith2Comments);
+ await page.toolbar.clickViewDetails();
+ await infoDrawer.waitForInfoDrawerToOpen();
+ await infoDrawer.clickCommentsTab();
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentsTabHeaderText()).toBe('Comments (2)');
+ });
+ it('Add button is enabled when typing in the comment field - [C280589]', async () => {
+ await dataTable.selectItem(file1);
+ await page.toolbar.clickViewDetails();
+ await infoDrawer.waitForInfoDrawerToOpen();
+ await infoDrawer.clickCommentsTab();
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isAddCommentButtonEnabled()).toBe(false, 'Add comment button not disabled');
+ await infoDrawer.typeComment('my comment');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isAddCommentButtonEnabled()).toBe(true, 'Add comment button not enabled');
+ });
+ it('Add a comment - [C280590]', async () => {
+ const myComment = 'my comment';
+ await dataTable.selectItem(file2Personal);
+ await page.toolbar.clickViewDetails();
+ await infoDrawer.waitForInfoDrawerToOpen();
+ await infoDrawer.clickCommentsTab();
+ await infoDrawer.typeComment(myComment);
+ await infoDrawer.clickAddButton();
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentsTabHeaderText()).toBe('Comments (1)');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isCommentDisplayed()).toBe(true, `Comment not displayed`);
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentText()).toBe(myComment, 'Incorrect comment text');
+ });
+ it('Escape key clears the text when focus is on the textarea - [C280591]', async () => {
+ await dataTable.selectItem(file2Personal);
+ await page.toolbar.clickViewDetails();
+ await infoDrawer.waitForInfoDrawerToOpen();
+ await infoDrawer.clickCommentsTab();
+ await infoDrawer.typeComment('myComment');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentTextFromTextArea()).toBe('myComment');
+ await Utils.pressEscape();
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentTextFromTextArea()).toBe('');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('from Favorites', () => {
+ beforeAll(async (done) => {
+ await apis.user.favorites.waitForApi({ expect: 3 });
+ done();
+ });
+ beforeEach(async (done) => {
+ await page.clickFavoritesAndWait();
+ done();
+ });
+ afterEach(async (done) => {
+ await dataTable.clearSelection();
+ done();
+ });
+ it('Comment info display - [C299196]', async () => {
+ await dataTable.selectItem(fileWith1Comment);
+ await page.toolbar.clickViewDetails();
+ await infoDrawer.waitForInfoDrawerToOpen();
+ await infoDrawer.clickCommentsTab();
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentsTabHeaderText()).toBe('Comments (1)');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isCommentTextAreaDisplayed()).toBe(true, 'Comment field not present');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isAddCommentButtonEnabled()).toBe(false, 'Add comment button not disabled');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isCommentDisplayed(commentFile1Entry.id)).toBe(true, `Comment with id: ${commentFile1Entry.id} not displayed`);
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentText(commentFile1Entry.id)).toBe(commentFile1Entry.content, 'Incorrect comment text');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentUserName(commentFile1Entry.id)).toBe(`${username} ${username}`, 'Incorrect comment user');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentTime(commentFile1Entry.id)).toBe(moment(commentFile1Entry.createdAt).fromNow(), 'Incorrect comment created time');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isCommentUserAvatarDisplayed(commentFile1Entry.id)).toBe(true, 'User avatar not displayed');
+ });
+ it('Comments are displayed ordered by created date in descending order - [C299197]', async () => {
+ await dataTable.selectItem(fileWith2Comments);
+ await page.toolbar.clickViewDetails();
+ await infoDrawer.waitForInfoDrawerToOpen();
+ await infoDrawer.clickCommentsTab();
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getNthCommentId(1)).toContain(comment2File2Entry.id);
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getNthCommentId(2)).toContain(comment1File2Entry.id);
+ });
+ it('Total number of comments is displayed - [C299198]', async () => {
+ await dataTable.selectItem(fileWith2Comments);
+ await page.toolbar.clickViewDetails();
+ await infoDrawer.waitForInfoDrawerToOpen();
+ await infoDrawer.clickCommentsTab();
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentsTabHeaderText()).toBe('Comments (2)');
+ });
+ it('Add a comment - [C299199]', async () => {
+ const myComment = 'my comment';
+ await dataTable.selectItem(file2Favorites);
+ await page.toolbar.clickViewDetails();
+ await infoDrawer.waitForInfoDrawerToOpen();
+ await infoDrawer.clickCommentsTab();
+ await infoDrawer.typeComment(myComment);
+ await infoDrawer.clickAddButton();
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentsTabHeaderText()).toBe('Comments (1)');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isCommentDisplayed()).toBe(true, `Comment not displayed`);
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentText()).toBe(myComment, 'Incorrect comment text');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('from Shared Files', () => {
+ beforeAll(async (done) => {
+ await apis.user.shared.waitForApi({ expect: 3 });
+ done();
+ });
+ beforeEach(async (done) => {
+ await page.clickSharedFilesAndWait();
+ done();
+ });
+ afterEach(async (done) => {
+ await dataTable.clearSelection();
+ done();
+ });
+ it('Comment info display - [C299188]', async () => {
+ await dataTable.selectItem(fileWith1Comment);
+ await page.toolbar.clickViewDetails();
+ await infoDrawer.waitForInfoDrawerToOpen();
+ await infoDrawer.clickCommentsTab();
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentsTabHeaderText()).toBe('Comments (1)');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isCommentTextAreaDisplayed()).toBe(true, 'Comment field not present');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isAddCommentButtonEnabled()).toBe(false, 'Add comment button not disabled');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isCommentDisplayed(commentFile1Entry.id)).toBe(true, `Comment with id: ${commentFile1Entry.id} not displayed`);
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentText(commentFile1Entry.id)).toBe(commentFile1Entry.content, 'Incorrect comment text');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentUserName(commentFile1Entry.id)).toBe(`${username} ${username}`, 'Incorrect comment user');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentTime(commentFile1Entry.id)).toBe(moment(commentFile1Entry.createdAt).fromNow(), 'Incorrect comment created time');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isCommentUserAvatarDisplayed(commentFile1Entry.id)).toBe(true, 'User avatar not displayed');
+ });
+ it('Comments are displayed ordered by created date in descending order - [C299189]', async () => {
+ await dataTable.selectItem(fileWith2Comments);
+ await page.toolbar.clickViewDetails();
+ await infoDrawer.waitForInfoDrawerToOpen();
+ await infoDrawer.clickCommentsTab();
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getNthCommentId(1)).toContain(comment2File2Entry.id);
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getNthCommentId(2)).toContain(comment1File2Entry.id);
+ });
+ it('Total number of comments is displayed - [C299190]', async () => {
+ await dataTable.selectItem(fileWith2Comments);
+ await page.toolbar.clickViewDetails();
+ await infoDrawer.waitForInfoDrawerToOpen();
+ await infoDrawer.clickCommentsTab();
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentsTabHeaderText()).toBe('Comments (2)');
+ });
+ it('Add a comment - [C299191]', async () => {
+ const myComment = 'my comment';
+ await dataTable.selectItem(file2Shared);
+ await page.toolbar.clickViewDetails();
+ await infoDrawer.waitForInfoDrawerToOpen();
+ await infoDrawer.clickCommentsTab();
+ await infoDrawer.typeComment(myComment);
+ await infoDrawer.clickAddButton();
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentsTabHeaderText()).toBe('Comments (1)');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isCommentDisplayed()).toBe(true, `Comment not displayed`);
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentText()).toBe(myComment, 'Incorrect comment text');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('from Recent Files', () => {
+ beforeAll(async (done) => {
+ await apis.user.search.waitForApi(username, { expect: 7 });
+ done();
+ });
+ beforeEach(async (done) => {
+ await page.clickRecentFilesAndWait();
+ done();
+ });
+ afterEach(async (done) => {
+ await dataTable.clearSelection();
+ done();
+ });
+ it('Comment info display - [C299192]', async () => {
+ await dataTable.selectItem(fileWith1Comment);
+ await page.toolbar.clickViewDetails();
+ await infoDrawer.waitForInfoDrawerToOpen();
+ await infoDrawer.clickCommentsTab();
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentsTabHeaderText()).toBe('Comments (1)');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isCommentTextAreaDisplayed()).toBe(true, 'Comment field not present');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isAddCommentButtonEnabled()).toBe(false, 'Add comment button not disabled');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isCommentDisplayed(commentFile1Entry.id)).toBe(true, `Comment with id: ${commentFile1Entry.id} not displayed`);
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentText(commentFile1Entry.id)).toBe(commentFile1Entry.content, 'Incorrect comment text');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentUserName(commentFile1Entry.id)).toBe(`${username} ${username}`, 'Incorrect comment user');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentTime(commentFile1Entry.id)).toBe(moment(commentFile1Entry.createdAt).fromNow(), 'Incorrect comment created time');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isCommentUserAvatarDisplayed(commentFile1Entry.id)).toBe(true, 'User avatar not displayed');
+ });
+ it('Comments are displayed ordered by created date in descending order - [C299193]', async () => {
+ await dataTable.selectItem(fileWith2Comments);
+ await page.toolbar.clickViewDetails();
+ await infoDrawer.waitForInfoDrawerToOpen();
+ await infoDrawer.clickCommentsTab();
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getNthCommentId(1)).toContain(comment2File2Entry.id);
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getNthCommentId(2)).toContain(comment1File2Entry.id);
+ });
+ it('Total number of comments is displayed - [C299194]', async () => {
+ await dataTable.selectItem(fileWith2Comments);
+ await page.toolbar.clickViewDetails();
+ await infoDrawer.waitForInfoDrawerToOpen();
+ await infoDrawer.clickCommentsTab();
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentsTabHeaderText()).toBe('Comments (2)');
+ });
+ it('Add a comment - [C299195]', async () => {
+ const myComment = 'my comment';
+ await dataTable.selectItem(file2Recent);
+ await page.toolbar.clickViewDetails();
+ await infoDrawer.waitForInfoDrawerToOpen();
+ await infoDrawer.clickCommentsTab();
+ await infoDrawer.typeComment(myComment);
+ await infoDrawer.clickAddButton();
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentsTabHeaderText()).toBe('Comments (1)');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isCommentDisplayed()).toBe(true, `Comment not displayed`);
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getCommentText()).toBe(myComment, 'Incorrect comment text');
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/e2e/suites/info-drawer/general.test.ts b/e2e/suites/info-drawer/general.test.ts
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..6ab207e79c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/e2e/suites/info-drawer/general.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ * @license
+ * Alfresco Example Content Application
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2018 Alfresco Software Limited
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Alfresco Example Content Application.
+ * If the software was purchased under a paid Alfresco license, the terms of
+ * the paid license agreement will prevail. Otherwise, the software is
+ * provided under the following open source license terms:
+ *
+ * The Alfresco Example Content Application is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * The Alfresco Example Content Application is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with Alfresco. If not, see .
+ */
+import { LoginPage, BrowsingPage } from '../../pages/pages';
+import { RepoClient } from '../../utilities/repo-client/repo-client';
+import { InfoDrawer } from './../../components/info-drawer/info-drawer';
+import { Utils } from '../../utilities/utils';
+describe('General', () => {
+ const username = `user1-${Utils.random()}`;
+ const parent = `parent-${Utils.random()}`; let parentId;
+ const file1 = `file1-${Utils.random()}.txt`;
+ const folder1 = `folder1-${Utils.random()}`;
+ const apis = {
+ admin: new RepoClient(),
+ user: new RepoClient(username, username)
+ };
+ const infoDrawer = new InfoDrawer();
+ const loginPage = new LoginPage();
+ const page = new BrowsingPage();
+ const { dataTable } = page;
+ beforeAll(async (done) => {
+ await apis.admin.people.createUser({ username });
+ parentId = (await apis.user.nodes.createFolder(parent)).entry.id;
+ await apis.user.nodes.createFile(file1, parentId);
+ await apis.user.nodes.createFolder(folder1, parentId);
+ await loginPage.loginWith(username);
+ done();
+ });
+ afterAll(async (done) => {
+ await apis.user.nodes.deleteNodeById(parentId);
+ done();
+ });
+ beforeEach(async (done) => {
+ await page.clickPersonalFilesAndWait();
+ await dataTable.doubleClickOnRowByName(parent);
+ done();
+ });
+ afterEach(async (done) => {
+ if (await infoDrawer.isOpen()) {
+ await page.toolbar.clickViewDetails();
+ }
+ done();
+ });
+ it('Info drawer for a file - default tabs - [C299162]', async () => {
+ await dataTable.selectItem(file1);
+ await page.toolbar.clickViewDetails();
+ await infoDrawer.waitForInfoDrawerToOpen();
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getHeaderTitle()).toEqual('Details');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isPropertiesTabDisplayed()).toBe(true, 'Properties tab is not displayed');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.isCommentsTabDisplayed()).toBe(true, 'Comments tab is not displayed');
+ expect(await infoDrawer.getTabsCount()).toBe(2, 'Incorrect number of tabs');
+ });
diff --git a/e2e/utilities/repo-client/apis/comments/comments-api.ts b/e2e/utilities/repo-client/apis/comments/comments-api.ts
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..007a3e74d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/e2e/utilities/repo-client/apis/comments/comments-api.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * @license
+ * Alfresco Example Content Application
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2018 Alfresco Software Limited
+ *
+ * This file is part of the Alfresco Example Content Application.
+ * If the software was purchased under a paid Alfresco license, the terms of
+ * the paid license agreement will prevail. Otherwise, the software is
+ * provided under the following open source license terms:
+ *
+ * The Alfresco Example Content Application is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * The Alfresco Example Content Application is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with Alfresco. If not, see .
+ */
+import { RepoApi } from '../repo-api';
+import { CommentsApi as AdfCommentsApi } from '@alfresco/js-api';
+export class CommentsApi extends RepoApi {
+ commentsApi = new AdfCommentsApi(this.alfrescoJsApi);
+ constructor(username?, password?) {
+ super(username, password);
+ }
+ async getNodeComments(nodeId: string) {
+ await this.apiAuth();
+ return await this.commentsApi.listComments(nodeId);
+ }
+ async addComment(nodeId: string, comment: string) {
+ await this.apiAuth();
+ return await this.commentsApi.createComment(nodeId, { "content": comment });
+ }
+ async addComments(nodeId: string, comment: any) {
+ await this.apiAuth();
+ return await this.commentsApi.createComment(nodeId, comment);
+ }
diff --git a/e2e/utilities/repo-client/repo-client.ts b/e2e/utilities/repo-client/repo-client.ts
index d56ca241ae..f064d0df82 100755
--- a/e2e/utilities/repo-client/repo-client.ts
+++ b/e2e/utilities/repo-client/repo-client.ts
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import { RepoClientAuth } from './repo-client-models';
import { PeopleApi } from './apis/people/people-api';
import { NodesApi } from './apis/nodes/nodes-api';
+import { CommentsApi } from './apis/comments/comments-api';
import { SitesApi } from './apis/sites/sites-api';
import { FavoritesApi } from './apis/favorites/favorites-api';
import { QueriesApi } from './apis/queries/queries-api';
@@ -55,6 +56,10 @@ export class RepoClient {
return new NodesApi(this.auth.username, this.auth.password);
+ get comments() {
+ return new CommentsApi(this.auth.username, this.auth.password);
+ }
get sites() {
return new SitesApi(this.auth.username, this.auth.password);
diff --git a/src/app.config.json b/src/app.config.json
index 0e819d5835..c8e5b25826 100644
--- a/src/app.config.json
+++ b/src/app.config.json
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
"query": "cm:modified:[NOW/DAY-1MONTH TO NOW/DAY+1DAY]"
- "label": "In last 6 months",
+ "label": "In the last 6 months",
"query": "cm:modified:[NOW/DAY-6MONTHS TO NOW/DAY+1DAY]"