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fuzxi edited this page Dec 15, 2019 · 10 revisions

The disk module tracks the usage of filesystems and partitions.


Addressed by disk

option typeof default description
interval integer 30 The interval in which the information gets polled.
format string {percentage_free}% The format, how information should be displayed.
max-length integer The maximum length in character the module should display.
on-click string Command to execute when clicked on the module.
on-click-middle string Command to execute when you middle clicked on the module using mousewheel.
on-click-right string Command to execute when you right clicked on the module.
on-scroll-up string Command to execute when scrolling up on the module.
on-scroll-down string Command to execute when scrolling down on the module.
smooth-scrolling-threshold double Threshold to be used when scrolling.
tooltip bool true Option to disable tooltip on hover.
tooltip-format string {used} used out of {total} on {path} ({percentage_used}%) Format of the text to display in the tooltip

Format replacements:

string replacement
{percentage_free} Percentage of available space.
{percentage_used} Percentage of disk spase already in use.
{total} Amount of disk space.
{used} Amount of used disk space.
{free} Amount of free disk space.


"disk": {
    "interval": 30,
    "format": "Only {percentage_free}% remaining on {path}",
    "path": "/"


  • #disk
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