diff --git a/scripts/notebook_runner.sh b/scripts/notebook_runner.sh index e5b730293..2d4f3ec2b 100755 --- a/scripts/notebook_runner.sh +++ b/scripts/notebook_runner.sh @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ #!/usr/bin/env -S bash -eu -o pipefail # next line loads AA_TOKEN from .env file when running bash script locally. In CI this is not necessary since AA_TOKEN is environment variable. [ -f .env ] && source .env -AA_TOKEN="$AA_TOKEN" jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute src/examples/*.ipynb -rm src/examples/*.nbconvert.ipynb +# Find all .ipynb files in the directory and pass them to xargs for parallel execution +rm --force --recursive src/examples/*.nbconvert.ipynb src/examples/.ipynb_checkpoints +find src/examples/ -name "*.ipynb" | xargs -I {} --max-procs 1 bash -c "AA_TOKEN=\"$AA_TOKEN\" poetry run jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute {}" +rm --force src/examples/*.nbconvert.ipynb