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Aircoookie edited this page Jun 24, 2018 · 27 revisions

As of the full release of WLED 0.5, the settings are split in 5 sub-pages. This page is meant to clarify the purpose of each setting.

WiFi Settings

This sub-page offers options to connect the ESP to different WiFi/WLAN devices.

Setting name Value Range Description
Network Name String 0..32 The name (SSID) of your home WiFi
Network password String 0..64 The password of your home WiFi
Static IP 4x 0..256 An optional static IPv4 address
Static gateway 4x 0..255 In a static config, your gateway's IPv4 address
Static subnet 4x 0..255 In a static config, this normally is
mDNS address String 0..32 Name of your device for the Bonjour/Zeroconf protocol
Try connecting... 0..255 How many seconds to try at boot to connect to home WiFi
Client IP - The current IP of the ESP in the home network
AP SSID String 0..32 The name of the ESPs internal WiFi hotspot (Access Point)
Hide AP name Y/N The ESPs Access Point won't appear in WiFi lists of other devices
AP password String 0..64 The password of the ESPs WiFi Access Point
AP WiFi channel 1..13 The 2.4G WiFi band of the AP. For advanced users
AP IP - The Access Point IPv4 address of the ESP (should always be

LED settings

This sub-page configures the state of your lights.

Setting name Value Range Description
LED count 1..1200 How many LEDs are in your WS2812B strip (max. 600 for ESP32)
4-channel LEDs (RGBW) Y/N Support for SK6812 LEDs with white channel
Auto-calculate white Y/N Get white channel from RGB
Apply preset 0..25 Which preset to load at boot (presets can be saved via the "heart" tab in the UI)
Default RGB 3x 0..255 Standard color at startup
Default brightness 0..255 How bright the LEDs are by default
Default white 0..255 Only applies if you got an RGBW strip
Default effect ID 0..57 Which effect to have by default
Default effect speed 0..255 The speed of the effect animation
Default effect intensity 0..255 How strong the effect is. Only used by a few effects
Default secondary RGB(W) 4x 0..255 A secondary color that is used in many effects
Ignore and use current ... Y/N Ignore all "Default" fields and set the boot default to the current light state
Apply preset cycle... Y/N The current preset cycle configuration will be used as boot default
Turn on after power up Y/N Whether the lights should turn on after a reset
Use Gamma for brightness Y/N Will correct brightness changes to make it appear more linear. Advised to leave off
Use Gamma for color Y/N Will correct colors to match those on a monitor. Strongly advised to keep on
Brightness factor 1..255 Factor to change master brightness if it is to dim/bright for a certain configuration
Fade Transition Y/N Whether to have a smooth fading transitional effect when changing colors/brightness
Sweep Y/N Whether to have a chase effect when changing colors
Invert Y/N Sweep effect will use the other direction
Transition delay 0..65535 How many milliseconds the transition lasts
Timed light duration 1..255 How long the nightlight should stay on
Target brightness 0..255 What brightness the light should have after time is over
Fade down Y/N Gradually fades down the light over the duration instead of turning it off at the end
Reverse LED order Y/N Mirrors the LEDs (last LED is first)
Init LEDs after WiFi Y/N Enable legacy boot, LEDs turn on after connection
WARLS offset -255..255 How many LEDs the direct UDP input should be shifted
Skip first LED Y/N Will turn off 1st LED and shift the remaining by 1 (1st LED used as a signal repeater)

User Interface settings

This sub-page changes the look of the web interface.

Setting name Value Range Description
User interface mode - Auto will serve the mobile UI on Android and iOS devices and the classic UI on others
Server description String 0..32 The name of the device as shown on the top of the UI. Differs from Alexa device name
Use HSB... Y/N There will be Hue/Saturation controls instead of RGB (by default)
Theme - The color theme of the web page
Custom accent color String 0..9 The hex color string of the slider thumbs and activated icons
Custom background color String 0..9 The color of the page background (at the top)
Custom panel color String 0..9 The background color of the control panel in the middle of the page and the settings pages
Custom text color String 0..9 The color of texts and icons
Custom shadow String 0..9 The color of the drop-shadow effect on various elements

Sync settings

This sub-page configures external software synchronization interfaces.

Setting name Value Range Description
On/Off button enabled Y/N Whether there is a physical pushbutton connected to GPIO0
Broadcast UDP port 1..65535 All WLED lights you want to group together must have the same
Receive Brightness Y/N If there is a sync notification, whether its brightness should be applied
Color Y/N Whether the color of the synced device should be applied
Effects Y/N Wheter the effect settings should be applied
Send on direct change Y/N Whether to send a sync notification when state changed via web UI or API
Send on button press Y/N Whether to send sync when toggled by button
Send Alexa notifications Y/N Whether to send sync after changed by Alexa (you may use Alexa groups instead)
Send Hue notifications Y/N Whether to send sync after a connected Philips light changed
Send notifications twice Y/N Sends notifications twice (if you have issues with UDP packet loss)
Emulate Alexa device Y/N Allows you to control the light via the Amazon Echo voice assistant. Requires reboot
Alexa Invocation name String 1..32 The name you want the device to have for control via Alexa. Choose something easy she can understand
Hue Bridge IP 4x 0..255 Your hue bridge IPv4 address. Should be static to avoid reassigning
Poll Hue light 0..99 The ID of the hue lamp you want to sync WLED to
every x ms 100..65000 How often to poll. Smaller numbers decrease lag but might hurt bridge responsiveness
... Y/N Turn polling on/off
Receive On/Off Y/N Turn on/off like the hue light
Brightness Y/N Set brightness to that of the hue light
Color Y/N Set color to that of the hue light
Hue status - Shows the current connection status to a hue bridge

Time settings

This sub-page configures automation tasks.

Setting name Value Range Description
Get time from NTP Y/N Whether to get the current time from the internet
NTP server String 0..32 The host name of a custom NTP server
Use 24h format Y/N Use 24h clock format instead of AM/PM
Time zone - Your time zone. Open an issue if yours is unsupported. DST is applied automatically
UTC offset -65000..65000 Seconds to offset. If you want e.g. 1h offset, use 3600
Current local time - The local time the ESP has acquired. If set up correctly, should equal actual time
Clock overlay - The special overlay to use. Allows to display a clock on the strip
Countdown mode Y/N Allows to have a visual countdown towards a specific date
API macro fields 16x String 0..64 Allows you to define custom API calls which can be triggered by events
Boot Macro 0..16 Which macro to trigger after WiFi connected (0 is default action)
Alexa On/Off Macros 2x 0..16 Which macros to trigger when turning on/off via Alexa
Button Macro 0..16 Macro to trigger if button is short pressed
Long Press 0..16 Macro to trigger if button is long pressed (>0.7s)
Countdown-Over Macro 0..16 Macro to trigger when the countdown is over
Timed-Light-Over Macro 0..16 Macro to trigger when timed light is done

Security settings

This sub-page manages permissions and updates.

Setting name Value Range Description
Enable OTA lock Y/N If enabled, no firmware updates may be done via WiFi and some settings can't be changed.
Passphrase String 0..32 To disable OTA lock, you need a password. The default is "wledota". Change it!
Deny access to WiFi settings Y/N Disables changes to WiFi settings while locked
Disable recovery AP Y/N If enabled, the module will not open an Access Point if connection to home WiFi failed.
Factory reset Y/N Deletes all custom settings data (passwords, configuration, macros, presets)
Manual OTA - If OTA is enabled, you can upload new binary firmware
Enable ArduinoOTA Y/N Useful for developers. Be careful, can even be left on when OTA locked!
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