diff --git a/Bilibili.user.js b/Bilibili.user.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..920b3fb --- /dev/null +++ b/Bilibili.user.js @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ +// ==UserScript== +// @name Bilibili 抽奖助手 +// @namespace https://github.com/Ahaochan/Tampermonkey +// @version 0.0.1 +// @icon https://www.bilibili.com/favicon.ico +// @description Bilibili 抽奖助手 +// @author Ahaochan +// @include http*://www.bilibili.com/opus/* +// @license GPL-3.0 +// @supportURL https://github.com/Ahaochan/Tampermonkey +// @grant unsafeWindow +// @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest +// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest +// @require https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js +// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/375359-gm4-polyfill-1-0-1/code/gm4-polyfill-101.js?version=652238 +// @run-at document-end +// @noframes +// ==/UserScript== + +function reload() { + setTimeout(function () { + alert('关注+转发+评论+点赞完成'); + location.reload(true); + }, 2000); +} + +function getCsrf() { + const cookieName = 'bili_jct'; + + const cookieArray = document.cookie.split(';'); + for (const cookie of cookieArray) { + const [name, value] = cookie.trim().split('='); + if (name === cookieName) { + return value; + } + } + return null; +} + +function randomComment() { + const comments = [ + "这个活动好有趣,一定要参加!", + "真心期待能中奖,哈哈哈。", + "加油加油,希望好运能降临到我身上。", + "有缘一定能中奖,大家一起努力!", + "这次抽奖福利不错,大家一起来试试手气。", + "看到这个抽奖活动,马上就被吸引了,转发支持!", + "转发支持一下,希望能中个大奖。", + "感谢主办方提供这么好的机会,一定要参与一下。", + "这个活动看起来不错,快来一起参加吧!", + "希望能中奖,给生活增添一些惊喜。", + "为了梦想,冲鸭,转发转发!", + "好运马上到,抽中大奖就在眼前!", + "这次中奖的概率一定很高,一定要试试!", + "转发一下,祝愿大家都有好运。", + "每次抽奖都充满期待,这次也不例外。", + "中奖了就发财了,加油加油!", + "谢谢主办方,希望能中到喜欢的奖品。", + "期待这次能有好运,中个大奖回家。", + "转发送福利,中奖了请吃糖!", + "这个活动真是太棒了,一定要参与一下。", + ]; + + const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * comments.length); + return comments[randomIndex]; +} + +function followV1(uid, flag) { + const act = flag ? 1 : 2; + const data = `fid=${uid}&act=${act}&re_src=11&gaia_source=web_main&spmid=333.999.0.0&extend_content=%7B%22entity%22%3A%22user%22%2C%22entity_id%22%3A${uid}%2C%22fp%22%3A%220%5Cu00011920%2C%2C1080%5Cu0001Win32%5Cu000112%5Cu00018%5Cu000124%5Cu00011%5Cu0001zh-CN%5Cu00010%5Cu00010%2C%2C0%2C%2C0%5Cu0001Mozilla%2F5.0%2B(Windows%2BNT%2B10.0%3B%2BWin64%3B%2Bx64)%2BAppleWebKit%2F537.36%2B(KHTML%2C%2Blike%2BGecko)%2BChrome%2F119.0.0.0%2BSafari%2F537.36%2BEdg%2F119.0.0.0%22%7D&csrf=${getCsrf()}`; + GM.xmlHttpRequest({ + method: "POST", + url: "https://api.bilibili.com/x/relation/modify", + data: data, + headers: { + "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" + }, + onload: function ({responseText}) { + console.log("关注结果:" + responseText); + }, + }); +} + +function dynamicLike(dynamic_id, flag) { + const up = flag ? 1 : 2; + const data = `dynamic_id=${dynamic_id}&up=${up}&csrf=${getCsrf()}`; + GM.xmlHttpRequest({ + method: "POST", + url: "https://api.vc.bilibili.com/dynamic_like/v1/dynamic_like/thumb", + data: data, + headers: { + "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" + }, + onload: function ({responseText}) { + console.log("点赞结果:" + responseText); + }, + }) +} + +function comment(oid, type, message) { + const data = `oid=${oid}&type=11&message=${encodeURIComponent(message)}&plat=1&at_name_to_mid=%7B%7D` + GM.xmlHttpRequest({ + method: "POST", + url: `https://api.bilibili.com/x/v2/reply/add?csrf=${getCsrf()}`, + data: data, + headers: { + "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" + }, + onload: function ({responseText}) { + console.log("评论结果:" + responseText); + }, + }) +} + +function reply(dynamic_id, message) { + const data = JSON.stringify({ + "dyn_req": { + "content": { + "contents": [ + { + "raw_text": message, + "type": 1, //纯文本1 + "biz_id": "" + } + ] + }, + "scene": 4, // 纯文本1, 带图2 + "attach_card": null, + "upload_id": `${unsafeWindow.UserStatus.userInfo.mid}_${Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)}_${Math.floor(Math.random() * 9000) + 1000}`, + "meta": {"app_meta": {"from": "create.dynamic.web", "mobi_app": "web"}} + }, + "web_repost_src": {"dyn_id_str": `${dynamic_id}`} + }); + + // https://github.com/SocialSisterYi/bilibili-API-collect/blob/master/docs/dynamic/publish.md#%E5%8F%91%E8%A1%A8%E5%A4%8D%E6%9D%82%E5%8A%A8%E6%80%81 + GM_xmlhttpRequest({ + method: "POST", + url: `https://api.bilibili.com/x/dynamic/feed/create/dyn?csrf=${getCsrf()}`, + headers: { + "content-type": "application/json", + }, + data: data, + onload: function ({responseText}) { + console.log("转发结果:" + responseText); + }, + }); +} + +jQuery($ => { + 'use strict'; + + const dynamic_id = location.href.match(/www\.bilibili\.com\/opus\/([^\/?]+)/)[1]; + if (dynamic_id) { + const $btn = $('
'); + $btn.on('click', function () { + const basic = unsafeWindow.__INITIAL_STATE__.detail.basic; + const uid = basic.uid; + const oid = basic.comment_id_str; + const type = basic.comment_type; + + let message = $('.reply-box-warp textarea.reply-box-textarea').val(); + if (!message) { + message = randomComment(); + } + + followV1(uid, true); + dynamicLike(dynamic_id, true); + comment(oid, type, message); + reply(dynamic_id, message) + reload(); + }); + $(".side-toolbar__btn:eq(0)").after($btn); + } + + $('.bili-dyn-card-reserve__action button.uncheck').click(); +}); \ No newline at end of file