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+# Contract Governance
+To help build systems with a good balance of decentralization and executive control, the Agoric platform includes, in addition to chain-wide governance included in the Cosmos SDK platform, an `@agoric/governance` package with a flexible archtecture supporting 3 main features:
+- Parameter Governance
+- API Governance
+- Offer Filters
+## Parameter Governance
+In [Starting a Contract Instance](../zoe/#starting-a-contract-instance), we saw that contracts are parameterized by _terms_. Parameter governance supports
+having an authorized party, the _Electorate_, change such parameters while the contract is running.
+In [dapp-agoric-basics](https://github.com/Agoric/dapp-agoric-basics), the
+swaparoo contract has a governed `Fee` amount parameter:
+const paramTypes = harden(
+ /** @type {const} */ ({
+ Fee: ParamTypes.AMOUNT,
+ }),
+## Reusing Contracts for Electorate, Election Manager
+This dapp uses the `committee.js` contract from `@agoric/governance` for its
+electorate. The core eval deployment script starts the swaparoo committee,
+gets invitations, and sends them to the the smart wallets of the voters.
+In `test-vote-by-committee.js`, the committee consists of just 1 voter.
+## Adding Parameter Governance to a Contract
+Adding parameter governance to a contract consists mainly of using `handleParamGovernance(...)`.
+We pass it `zcf` so that it can `getTerms()` for initial parameter values, and we
+pass `paramTypes` to specify governed parameters and their types. `initialPoserInvitation`
+is necessary to set up replacing the electorate. `storageNode` and `marshaller` are used
+to publish values of the parameters to vstorage.
+import { handleParamGovernance } from '@agoric/governance/src/contractHelper.js';
+export const start = async (zcf, privateArgs, baggage) => {
+ const { publicMixin, makeDurableGovernorFacet, params } =
+ await handleParamGovernance(
+ zcf,
+ privateArgs.initialPoserInvitation,
+ paramTypes,
+ privateArgs.storageNode,
+ privateArgs.marshaller,
+ );
+We get back
+- `params`: read-only parameter access. `params.getFee().value` gives us the current value of the `Fee` parameter at any time, for example.
+- `publicMixin`: to make the parameter values available via the contract `publicFacet`
+- `makeDurableGovernorFacet`: to combine the contract's existing creator facet methods (known as the `limitedCreatorFacet`) with methods for _changing parameter values_.
+export const start = async (zcf, privateArgs, baggage) => {
+ const publicFacet = Far('Public', {
+ makeFirstInvitation,
+ ...publicMixin,
+ });
+ const limitedCreatorFacet = Far('Creator', {
+ makeCollectFeesInvitation() {
+ return makeCollectFeesInvitation(zcf, feeSeat, feeBrand, 'Fee');
+ },
+ });
+ const { governorFacet } = makeDurableGovernorFacet(
+ baggage,
+ limitedCreatorFacet,
+ );
+ return harden({ publicFacet, creatorFacet: governorFacet });
+## Starting a Governed Contract via its Governor
+Changing parameter values is something only the electorate is authorized to do.
+To enforce this, a governed contract is started by a _contract governor_.
+The contract governor holds the fully-functional creator facet that includes
+the capability to change the parameters. The caller that starts the governor
+gets only the `limitedCreatorFacet`.
+_For clarity, some Zoe API details are ommitted from this figure._
+## Putting a question via an Election Manager
+An _ElectionManager_ is responsible for letting an appropriate party call `addQuestion()`. The `econCommitteeCharter.js` contract from `@agoric/inter-protocol` is sufficiently general to handle most forms of parameter
+governance, so we reuse it here. Swaparoo core eval deployment likewise
+starts this contract, asks it for invitations, and sends them to the voters:
+_For clarity, some Zoe API details are ommitted from this figure._
+The committee participant then instructs their smart wallet to
+redeem the charter invitation to get a capability to put a question using `VoteOnParamChange`,
+using `v0-accept-charter` to identify this offer:
+test.serial('Voter0 accepts charter, committee invitations', async t => {
+ await victor.acceptCharterInvitation('v0-accept-charter');
+To exercises their `VoteOnParamChange` capability,
+the committee participant makes a _continuing invitation_,
+referring back to `v0-accept-charter` as `charterAcceptOfferId`:
+const makeVoter = (t, wallet, wellKnown) => {
+ const putQuestion = async (offerId, params, deadline) => {
+ const instance = await wellKnown.instance[contractName]; // swaparoo instance handle
+ const path = { paramPath: { key: 'governedParams' } };
+ /** @type {import('@agoric/inter-protocol/src/econCommitteeCharter.js').ParamChangesOfferArgs} */
+ const offerArgs = harden({ deadline, params, instance, path });
+ /** @type {import('@agoric/smart-wallet/src/offers.js').OfferSpec} */
+ const offer = {
+ id: offerId,
+ invitationSpec: {
+ source: 'continuing',
+ previousOffer: NonNullish(charterAcceptOfferId),
+ invitationMakerName: 'VoteOnParamChange',
+ },
+ offerArgs,
+ proposal: {},
+ };
+ return doOffer(offer);
+ };
+The `offerArgs` include a deadline and details of the params to change:
+test.serial('vote to change swap fee', async t => {
+ const targetFee = IST(50n, 100n); // 50 / 100 = 0.5 IST
+ const changes = { Fee: targetFee };
+ const deadline = 2n;
+ const result = await victor.putQuestion('proposeToSetFee', changes, deadline);
+ t.log('question is posed', result);
+## Voting on a question
+The voter likewise executes an offer to accept their invitation to participate in the committee,
+using `v0-join-committee` to identify this offer:
+test.serial('Voter0 accepts charter, committee invitations', async t => {
+ await victor.acceptCommitteeInvitation('v0-join-committee', 0);
+To exercise their capability to vote, they make a continuing invitation
+referring back to `v0-join-committee` as `committeeOfferId`:
+const makeVoter = (t, wallet, wellKnown) => {
+ const vote = async (offerId, details, position) => {
+ const chosenPositions = [details.positions[position]];
+ /** @type {import('./wallet-tools.js').OfferSpec} */
+ const offer = {
+ id: offerId,
+ invitationSpec: {
+ source: 'continuing',
+ previousOffer: NonNullish(committeeOfferId),
+ invitationMakerName: 'makeVoteInvitation',
+ invitationArgs: harden([chosenPositions, details.questionHandle]),
+ },
+ proposal: {},
+ };
+ return doOffer(offer);
+ };
+Each question has a unique `questionHandle` object, part of the `details`
+published to vstorage.
+test.serial('vote to change swap fee', async t => {
+ const details = await vstorage.get(`published.committee.swaparoo.latestQuestion`);
+ t.is(details.electionType, 'param_change');
+ const voteResult = await victor.vote('voteToSetFee', details, 0);
+ t.log('victor voted:', voteResult);
+Once the deadline is reached, the contract governor is notified that the question
+carried. It instructs the swaparoo contract to change the fee.
+test.serial('vote to change swap fee', async t => {
+ const swapPub = E(zoe).getPublicFacet(
+ swapPowers.instance.consume[contractName],
+ );
+ const after = await E(swapPub).getAmount('Fee');
+ t.deepEqual(after, targetFee);
+The swaparoo contract also publishes its updated parameters to vstorage.
+## API Governance
+Just as parameter governance lets an electorate change parameters of a
+governed contract, API governance lets the electorate exercise contract APIs;
+in particular: creator facet methods on a governed contract.
+For example, in Inter Protocol, the Economic Committee can add and remove
+oracle operators:
+For details, see:
+- [dapp-econ-gov](https://github.com/Agoric/dapp-econ-gov)
+- `vaultFactory` contract in `@agoric/inter-protocol`
+## Offer Filters
+An electorate can instruct a contract to have Zoe filter the offers that
+will be passed to the ocntract. See
+- [zcf.setOfferFilter(strings)](/reference/zoe-api/zoe-contract-facet#zcf-setofferfilter-strings).
+- [How to add a contract level pause feature? · agoric-sdk · Discussion #8172](https://github.com/Agoric/agoric-sdk/discussions/8172)