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Creating a gentx

Michael FIG edited this page Oct 22, 2021 · 10 revisions

part of: Validator Guide for Incentivized Testnet

Note Well: ag0 and agd use the $HOME/.agoric directory:

NOTE: The branch should work for generating a gentx for the launch of agorictest-18.

First, stop your node and copy the contents of $HOME/.agoric to keep a backup of it.

myKey=<your key name (the one you specified with `keys add`) or address (agoric1...)>
myMoniker="<the actual value you want to use as your validator's moniker>"

# Stop your node.
systemctl stop $AGD

# Keep a backup of your old validator directory.
cp -a ~/.agoric ~/backup-before-$chainName

# Reset your genesis state.
$AGD init --overwrite "$myMoniker"

# This following command solves
# Error: failed to validate account in genesis: account agoric1... does not have a balance in the genesis state
$AGD add-genesis-account $myKey 50000000ubld

# Create the gentx.
# Note, your gentx will be rejected if you use any amount greater than 50000000ubld.
$AGD gentx $myKey 50000000ubld --output-document=gentx.json \
  --chain-id=$chainName \
  --moniker="$myMoniker" \
  --website=<your-node-website> \
  --details=<your-node-details> \
  --commission-rate="0.10" \
  --commission-max-rate="0.20" \
  --commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \

The result should look something like this sample gentx file. For reference: gaia gentx docs.

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