This is what I use for giving simple, quick-to-produce presentations. Rather than fighting with keynote or powerpoint for hours, I can whip up a presentation in minutes using markdown.
Check out a demo here.
Markdown Presenter may work well on iPhone/iPad, Android, and PC Desktop browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE - if you want touch support, you can chose IE10 on Windows8 -).
Use the arrow keys on your keyboard or swipe horizontally on touch screen to switch between slides.
You can reload the presentation at any time - staying on the same slide number - by pressing the spacebar.
If you whould like to get fade in/out effect on switching between slides, type 'e' then 'f' key on your keyboard.
To reset this transition effect, type 'e' then 'n'.
You can jump to the any slide which you want to show directly by 3 ways as follow:
- by PowerPoint compatibe keyboard shortcut, such as '2','1','Enter' then jump to the slide at 21.
- by chosing slide index from drop down list at bottom-right of the browser window.
- by specification hash tag of URL.
Open a command prompt and paste the text from below and press enter.
@powershell -nop -ex unrestricted -c "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))"
Then begin the download all files to needed into current directory.
And after complete all downloads, mini http server is start automatically and open "Markdown Presenter" view by default browser.
You can edit and save
by any text editor, and reloead presentation by hit space key.
Look YouTube video:
Open a terminal and paste the text from below and press enter.
python -c "import urllib2;exec(urllib2.urlopen('').read())"
Then begin the download all files to needed into current directory.
And after complete all downloads, mini http server is start automatically and open "Markdown Presenter" view by default browser.
You can edit and save
by any text editor, and reloead presentation by hit space key.
At first, download zip ball from here, and extract the zip file.
Notice If you use Windows OS, then unblock download flag of the zip file before extract it from the property window in Windows Explorer.
You need to install this on a web server, otherwise it won't be able to open the file via AJAX.
###MacOS or Linux OS
So, if you're on a Mac,
copy it to your ~/Sites/MyPresentation
folder. Then open your web
browser to http://localhost/~myusername/MyPresentation/Presenter.html.
On Linux or Mac you have also likely Python installed and can start
its built-in web server in this directory by running python -m SimpleHTTPServer
###Windows OS
####Tiny web server which is bundled with Markdown Presenter You can use tiny web server 'httpd.ps1' writen by Windows PowerShell script which is bundled with Markdown Presenter source code.
After extract zip ball, there is a start-presenter-for-windows.bat
Double click it, then mini http server 'httpd.ps1' is start and open the presentation by default web browser automatically.
####IIS or IIS express
If you use IIS or IIS express copy all the MarkdownPresenter files to the webfolder (normally C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\<SiteFolder>
on IIS and C:\Users\<User>\Documents\My Web Sites\<WebSite>
on IIS express).
Also make sure that a MIME mapping for the .md extension is added. Either add the following mimeMap element to the applicationhost.config
or the web.config
<!-- there might be other configuration here. -->
<!-- there might be other configuration here. -->
<mimeMap fileExtension=".md" mimeType="text/plain" />
The file is where you put your presentation. All you need to do to separate slides is a paragraph with an exclamation mark, eg:
This is a slide
Blah blah blah
This is another slide
Yada yada yada
Markdown Presenter can print out the all slides to any printer from browser printing feature.
The keys to get fine result is follow:
- Layout - Landscape
- Margins - No margin
- Options - Enable to printing background colors
And you can print out as a PDF file, so you can also upload and publish your slides to "".
The Presenter.html
fetches the
from the server via
Ajax, uses Showdown.js to
transform it into HTML, splits it on <p>!</p>
into individual
slides, and displays the current slide.
Note: Showdown supports custom extensions that can either replace parts of the content based on a regular expression or transform the whole text. There are some extensions already available, for example prettify that adds support for syntax highlighting or support for tables.
The current version of the bundled Showdown.js is 0.3.1 from Nov 2012.