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54 lines (49 loc) · 1.96 KB

Affirm Specific README

  1. Clone the repo

  2. Install poetry 1.4.1

  3. Install pyenv and set your python environment to 3.9.17

    • brew install pyenv
      pyenv install 3.9.17
      pyenv shell 3.9.17
  4. Set poetry env: poetry env use 3.9.17

  5. Run: poetry install

    • If you failed to install fastavro 1.8.0, you can try running the following to install it manually
    pip install setuptools wheel 'Cython<3'
    pip install --no-build-isolation fastavro==1.8.0
  6. Run: poetry shell

  7. Create venv: python3 -m venv venv/

  8. Source environment: source venv/bin/activate

  9. Install dev dependencies: pip install -e ".[dev]"

    • If you failed to install mysqlclient, you can try running the following
    brew install mysql-client pkg-config
    export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$(brew --prefix)/opt/mysql-client/lib/pkgconfig"
    pip install mysqlclient
  10. Build python protos into package:

  • READ THIS: uncomment line "build_python_protos": BuildPythonProtosCommand in

  • make compile-protos-python
    • If you're running into issues with this step, try running the following:
pip install grpcio-tools==1.48.2 &&  pip install mypy-protobuf==3.1.0
  • READ THIS: recomment line "build_python_protos": BuildPythonProtosCommand in

  1. Install additional dependencies (Optional, Only if you want to build golang):
  • brew install golang
  • And run make protos to build golang and python protos into package

To run unit tests: make test-python

  • TODO: We should fix this step.

To publish to jfrog artifactory follow our docs on Confluence to configure. Otherwise run:

make build-ui
# READ THIS: uncomment line "build_python_protos": BuildPythonProtosCommand in
make compile-protos-python
# READ THIS: recomment line "build_python_protos": BuildPythonProtosCommand in
rm -r dist/
python sdist bdist_wheel --universal
twine upload -r artifactory dist/*