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04 Content Tags

Colby Ausen edited this page Apr 22, 2015 · 1 revision

Content Tags

Content tags are the meat and potatoes of your MuCow. They are what actually place things into Muse output. Each of these areas

HTML Content

Because MuCows are written in XML, you will need to use <![CDATA[]]> to wrap any HTML content you are inserting into the page. For example, if you want to place an image in the <pageItemHTML> tag, you'll need to do the following:

<img src="" alt="My Logo">

Note that for any HTML elements, you can use the HTML class actAsDiv to indicate that you want that element to be a block level element. This is especially useful with things like <img> or <iframe> content which is not block by default


Parameters are indicated by using {param_PARAMNAME}. They will be replaced at runtime with the current value of that parameter option.


HTML in this field will be added to the page <head> at output time. Only one copy of the code will be output, even if there are multiple instances of this widget on a page.


HTML in this field will be added right after the <body> open. Only one copy of the code will be output, even if there are multiple instances of this widget on a page.


HTML in this field will be added where the page item is positioned on the page.


HTML in this field will be added right before the close of the </body> element. Only one copy of the code will be output, even if there are multiple instances of this widget on a page. Note that jQuery is loaded prior to this code, so jQuery can be used by any scripts in this area.


HTML in this field will be used while generating the in-app preview of the widget. This is especially useful for items that will not load due to restrictions on URLs that can load the content, or on items which have a bandwidth limit. This will only be available in MuCows that use format version 2 or above.

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