Workflow | yes /no |
Verify: There is no section showing the most recent poetry submission visible | |
Fill out the six text inputs with inputs for Player #1 and submit |
Verify: submitting the form clears the line and updates the form header to Player #2 |
Verify: a new section showing the most recent poetry submission is now viewable | |
Fill out the six text inputs with different inputs for Player #2 and submit |
Verify: text inputs are light pink when they are blank | |
Verify: a new section showing the most recent poetry submission is accurately updated | |
Fill out the six text inputs with different inputs for Player #3 and submit |
Clicking the Reveal the Poem button reveals the section with the header "Final Poem" |
Verify: The final poem shown has all 3 submitted lines, in the order submitted | |
Verify: The form to submit new lines is hidden |
Area | yes/no |
General | |
Answered comprehension questions | |
Small commits with meaningful commit messages | |
Code Requirements | |
Form submissions from PlayerSubmissionForm sent data back up to the Game component |
Submissions from the Game component propagated to the FinalPoem component |
Pieces of data sent to RecentSubmission are defined, sent, and read in an elegant way |
propTypes were defined in all components |