diff --git a/lib/main.rb b/lib/main.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f7b91bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/main.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+require_relative "planet"
+require_relative "solar_system"
+# method that creates an instance of a solar system and adds instances of planets to it
+# also, creates a control panel for the user
+def main
+  # creating an instance of a solar system
+  big_ol_pupper = SolarSystem.new("Big Ol Pupper")
+  # creating instances of planets
+  waffles = Planet.new("Waffles", "\'maple syrup\' brown", 3.555e23, 1.273e12, "It is the only known " \
+  "planet to be smothered in fried chicken")
+  cuddles = Planet.new("Cuddles", "soft velvet grey", 9.973e30, 0.000002, "This planet loves the Big Ol " \
+  "Pupper so much that it can\'t get close enough to it")
+  whiskey = Planet.new("Whiskey", "rich amber", 4.342e27, 3.473e13, "This planet has been aged for" \
+  "billions of years in a giant cosmic cedar barrel")
+  bear = Planet.new("Bear", "jet black", 5.342e20, 5.342e14, "Contains more hugs per capita than any other" \
+  "known planet")
+  pancake = Planet.new("Pancake", "light brown", 7.888e24, 3.342e5, "There is no planet fluffier or " \
+  "flatter than Pancake")
+  # adding instances of planets to an array
+  big_ol_pupper.add_planet(waffles)
+  big_ol_pupper.add_planet(cuddles)
+  big_ol_pupper.add_planet(whiskey)
+  big_ol_pupper.add_planet(bear)
+  big_ol_pupper.add_planet(pancake)
+  # control panel that allows users to list planets, look at planet detials, add planets, or exit program
+  selection = "list planets"
+  while ["list planets", "planet details", "add planet", "exit"].include?(selection)
+    print "\nWhat would you like to do next? (list planets, planet details, add planet, or exit): "
+    selection = gets.chomp.downcase
+    until ["list planets", "planet details", "add planet", "exit"].include?(selection)
+      print "Whoopsie Daisy! Please select an option from the list (list planets, planet details, add planet, or exit): "
+      selection = gets.chomp.downcase
+    end
+    case selection
+    when "list planets"
+      puts "\n#{big_ol_pupper.list_planets}"
+    when "planet details"
+      print "\nWhat planet would you like to see details for?: "
+      planet_details = gets.chomp.downcase
+      found_planet = big_ol_pupper.find_planet_by_name(planet_details)
+      puts "\n====== #{found_planet.name} ======"
+      puts "#{found_planet.summary}"
+    when "add planet"
+      big_ol_pupper.add_new_planet
+      puts "\n========= New planet has been added to the Big Ol Pupper solar system! <3 =========="
+    when "exit"
+      break
+    end
+  end
+# runs main method
diff --git a/lib/planet.rb b/lib/planet.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5ea1a178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/planet.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# class that creates instances of planets
+class Planet
+  attr_accessor :name, :color, :mass_kg, :distance_from_sun_km, :fun_fact
+  # constructor that initializes a name, color, mass (kg), distance from the sun (km), and fun fact
+  # about each instance of a planet
+  def initialize(name, color, mass_kg, distance_from_sun_km, fun_fact)
+    @name = name
+    @color = color
+    @mass_kg = mass_kg
+    @distance_from_sun_km = distance_from_sun_km
+    @fun_fact = fun_fact
+  end
+  # method that prints out a summary of a planet instance
+  def summary
+    return "#{@name} is a #{@color} planet with a mass of #{@mass_kg} kg and is #{@distance_from_sun_km} " \
+           "km from the sun! DID YOU KNOW: #{@fun_fact}?!?!"
+  end
diff --git a/lib/solar_system.rb b/lib/solar_system.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7df46a63
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+++ b/lib/solar_system.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# class that is responsible for keeping track of a collection of instances of Planet
+class SolarSystem
+  # creating methods to read/return star_name & planets
+  attr_reader :star_name, :planets
+  # constructor that accepts and stores star_name in an instance variable
+  # and assigns an empty array to the instance variable planets
+  def initialize(star_name)
+    @star_name = star_name
+    @planets = []
+  end
+  # method that adds a planet to the @planets array
+  def add_planet(planet)
+    @planets << planet
+  end
+  # method that returns a list of all planets in a given solar system
+  def list_planets
+    planet_list = "Doggos orbiting #{@star_name}: "
+    @planets.each_with_index { |planet, i| planet_list += "\n#{i + 1}. #{planet.name}" }
+    return planet_list
+  end
+  # method that returns the instance of a planet when given a string of its name
+  def find_planet_by_name(planet_string)
+    @planets.each do |planet|
+      if planet.name == planet_string.capitalize
+        return planet
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  # method that adds a new planet to the existing solar system
+  def add_new_planet
+    print "\nWhat is the name of the planet you would like to add?: "
+    new_planet = gets.chomp.capitalize
+    print "What is the color of the planet your are adding?: "
+    new_planet_color = gets.chomp.downcase
+    print "What is the mass of the planet you are adding (in kg)?: "
+    new_planet_mass = gets.chomp
+    print "What is the distance of this planet from Big Ol Pupper (in km)?: "
+    new_planet_distance = gets.chomp
+    print "What is a fun fact about this planet?: "
+    new_planet_fun_fact = gets.chomp.capitalize
+    new_planet_final = Planet.new(new_planet, new_planet_color, new_planet_mass, new_planet_distance, new_planet_fun_fact)
+    add_planet(new_planet_final)
+  end