The best automation framework for RCL(Razor Component Library) to help you easy and quickly building your own Razor Component Library
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- OOP mindset creating component
- Attribute first, easy define CSS from parameters
- Easy to associate with components via Attributes
- Cusomization CSS and attributes of component by coding logic
- Support
for components with simular parameters - New lifecycle definition of Component with interceptor design pattern
- Renderer pipeline pattern to regonize dynamic render of components
Only change ComponentBase
to BlazorComponetBase
for derived component class
- Sample to create a button component with C# class:
[HtmlTag("button")] //define HTML element tag
[CssClass("btn")] //define component necessary CSS class
public class Button : BlazorComponentBase, IHasChildContent, IHasOnClick
[Parameter][CssClass("active")]public bool Active { get; set; }
[Parameter][CssClass("btn-")]public Color? Color { get; set; }
[Parameter]public RenderFragment? ChildContent { get; set; }
[Parameter][HtmlData("tooltip")]public string? Tooltip { get; set; }
[Parameter][HtmlAttribute("onclick")]public EventCallback<ClickEventArgs> OnClick { get; set; }
[Parameter][HtmlAttribute]public string? Title { get; set; }
public enum Color
OR you also can define most part of automation features in razor file:
@inherits BlazorComponentBase
<!--Bind GetAttributes() for @attributes to getting automation features-->
<button @attributes="@GetAttributes()">
public Button()
[Parameter][CssClass("active")]public bool Active { get; set; }
[Parameter][CssClass("btn-")]public Color? Color { get; set; }
[Parameter]public RenderFragment? ChildContent { get; set; }
[Parameter][HtmlData("tooltip")]public string? Tooltip { get; set; }
[Parameter][HtmlAttribute("onclick")]public EventCallback<ClickEventArgs> OnClick { get; set; }
[Parameter][HtmlAttribute]public string? Title { get; set; }
public enum Color
- Use component
<Button Color="Color.Primary">Submit</Button>
<button class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
<Button Active Tooltip="active button" Color="Color.Information" Title="click me">Active Button</Button>
<button class="btn btn-info active" data-tooltip="active button" title="click me">Active Button</button>
- Using different logic for groups creates code with OOP mindset
protected override void BuildCssClass(ICssClassBuilder builder)
protected override void BuildStyle(IStyleBuilder builder)
protected override void BuildAttributes(IDictionary<string, object> attributes)
attributes["data-toggle"] = "collapse";
Easy to create parent/child pair components using ParentComponentAttribute
and ChildComponentAttribute<TParent>
- For
component class
[ParentComponent] //auto creating the cascading parameter for current
public class List : BlazorComponentBase, IHasChildContent
- For
component class
[ChildComponent<List>] //Strong association with List
public class ListItem : BlazorComponentBase, IHasChildContent
[CascadingParameter]public List? CascadedList { get; set; }//Auto getting the instance of cascading parameter
[Parameter] public RenderFragment? ChildContent { get; set; }
<ListItem /> <!--throw exception because ListItem must be the child component of List coponent-->
In razor file component, you should create cascading parameter by yourself
<ul @attributes="@GetAttributes()">
<CascadingValue Value="this">
<li @attributes="GetAttributes()">@ChildContent</li>
public ListItem()
[CascadingParameter] public List? CascadedList { get; set; }
[Parameter] public RenderFragment? ChildContent { get; set; }
- Extensions for
It's very useful for dynamic component creating using OOP mindset
builder.CreateElement(0, "div","any text", new { @class="main" });
//<div class="main">any text</div>
builder.CreateComponent<MyComponent>(attributes: new { Visible = true });
//<MyComponent Visible />
//<CascadingValue Value="this"></CascadingValue>
- FluentRenderTreeBuilder
Write RenderTreeBuilder as fluent API
//import namespace
using ComponentBuilder.FluentRenderTree;
builder.Element("p", "default-class") // create <p> element with default class
.Class("hover", Hoverable) // append class if Hoverable parameter is true
.Attribute("disabled", Disabled) // add HTML attribute if Disabled is true
.Data("trigger", "string") // add data-trigger="string" HTML attribute if String parameter not empty
.Callback<MouseEventArgs>("onmouseover", this, e => MyHandler()) // add event named 'onmouseover' with a event handler code
.Content("content text") // add inner text for this element
//HTML element generate like:
<p class="default-class hover" data-trigger="string" disabled>content text</p>
// normally in razor file:
<p class="default-class @(Hoverable?"hover":"")" disabled="@Disabled" data-trigger="string" @onmouseover="@(e => MyHandler())">content text</p>
.Parameter(m => m.Disabled, true)
.Parameter(m => Size, 5)
.ChildContent("My name is hello world")
- Create dynamic Class/Style/Callback
//import namespace
using ComponentBuilder.JSInterop
//create dynamic css class string
HtmlHelper.Class.Append("class1").Append("disabled", Disabled).ToString();
//create dynamic style string
HtmlHelper.Style.Append($"width:{Width}px").Append($"height:{Height}px", Height.HasValue).ToString();
//create dynamic EventCallback
HtmlHelper.Callback.Create(this, ()=>{ //action for callback });
- ComponentBuilder.JSInterop
Interactive with C# and JS
export function sayHello(){
export function getClient(){
return name;
@inject IJSRuntime JS
var module = JS.ImportAsync("./module.js"); //Import js module
await module.Module.InvokeVoidAsync("sayHello");
var name = await module.Module.InvokeAsync<string>("getClient");
You can intercept the lifecycle of component
- Define an interceptor
public class LogInterceptor : ComponentInterceptorBase
private readonly ILogger<LogInterceptor> _logger;
public LogInterceptor(ILogger<LogInterceptor> logger)
_logger = logger;
//Run in SetParameterAsync method is called
public override void InterceptSetParameters(IBlazorComponent component, ParameterView parameters)
foreach(var item in parameters)
_logger.LogDebug($"Key:{item.Name}, Value:{item.Value}");
- Register interceptor
builder.Services.AddComponentBuilder(configure => {
Follow SOLID pricipal when designing a component. So you no need break the lifecycle or using override any protected method such as OnParameterSet
to create new HTML attribute whatever you want.
Recognize special case to render specified component
public class NavLinkComponentRender : IComponentRender
public bool Render(IBlazorComponent component, RenderTreeBuilder builder)
if ( component is IHasNavLink navLink )
builder.AddAttribute(1, nameof(NavLink.Match), navLink.Match);
builder.AddAttribute(2, nameof(NavLink.ActiveClass), navLink.ActiveCssClass);
builder.AddAttribute(3, nameof(NavLink.ChildContent), navLink.ChildContent);
builder.AddMultipleAttributes(4, component.GetAttributes());
return false;
return true;
- Register renderer in configuration
builder.Services.AddComponentBuilder(configure => {
- Install from
Install-Package ComponentBuilder
- Register service
//configure costomization such as Interceptors
builder.Services.AddComponentBuilder(configure => {
Read document for more informations
Use ComponentBuilder.Templates
to generate a razor component library solution and online demo site
dotnet new install ComponentBuilder.Templates
dotnet new blazor-sln -n {YourRazorLibraryName}
More information see templates