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Hyperdrive Component Archetype

This is a Maven archetype for creating custom Hyperdrive components.

Creating a custom Hyperdrive components project

Download the artifact to your local maven repository

mvn dependency:get 

Update the local archetype catalog

mvn archetype:crawl

Generate a skeleton project by executing the following command

mvn archetype:generate \ \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=component-archetype_2.12 \
    -DarchetypeVersion=4.2.0 \
    -DgroupId=<groupId> \
    -DartifactId=<artifactId> \
  • <groupId> is your group id, e.g. com.acme,
  • <artifactId> is the name for your artifact, e.g. mytransformer,
  • <artifact-version> is the version number of the artifact, e.g. 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT

Hint: For Scala 2.11, use -DarchetypeArtifactId=component-archetype_2.11.

Implementing a Hyperdrive component

There are three types of Hyperdrive components: Reader, Transformer and Writer.

Component stubs

This archetype provides stubs for all types, which are located under <project-root>/src/main/scala/<groupId>/

For example, if you need to implement a custom transformer, you should modify the stubs in <project-root>/src/main/scala/{groupId}/transformer/mycomponent/MyStreamTransformerImpl

If you don't need to implement a component type, you should delete the corresponding stubs. E.g. if you don't need to implement the writer, delete the folder <project-root>/src/main/scala/{groupId}/writer

Service provider configuration

Components need to be registered using the Java Service Provider Interface (SPI). There are configuration file templates under <project-root>/src/resources/META-INF/services. If you don't need a component type, you should delete the corresponding configuration files.

A model test to verify the configuration is available under <project-root>/test/scala/ServiceProviderConfigurationTest.scala

Building Hyperdrive components

% cd <target-directory>/<groupId>
% mvn clean package

creates the jar-file in the target, which contains the hyperdrive components.