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Google/Facebook OAuth | ❌ |
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Images for Subgreddit | ✅ |
Stats Graphs | ✅ |
Email to Reporter | ✅ |
Email to Reported User | ✅ |
Fuzzy Search | ✅ |
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Chat | ✅ |
Confirming to go back | ❌ |
Infinite Loading | ✅ |
Multi-level Comments/Replies | ✅ |
Keyboard Shortcuts | ✅ |
- Profile Page/mysubgreddits
- My SubGreddits Page/manage/:id
- Single SubGreddit Page (From My SubGreddits Page)/subgreddits
- All SubGreddits Page/subgreddit/:id
- Single SubGreddit Page (From All SubGreddits Page)/saved
- Saved Page
- Not verifying Email with OTP/similar stuff , (Email Bonus will only be succesfull if valid email is given)
- Login with Username and Password
- No specific Homepage , Redirect to Profile page
- Cannot edit Username
- Image Upload Done ✅ [BONUS]
- No of people Includes Blocked Users
- First Blocked users, then Unblocked Users (distinguised by chips beside them)
- Stats are shown daywise , from the creation date of subgreddits
- Note this cannot be changed to hourwise, .. etc (Since current implementation does not support) (Not mentioned in PDF)
- Charts [BONUS] ✅
- Block actually Blocks but Mod can still Delete the post (Even after blocking User)
- Email [BONUS] ✅
- All Subgreddits joined by the User appear first. Later Others appear. Sorting works internally in each seperately. Like Joined are sorted internally, and not joined are sorted internally
- All available tags are shown as chips, Where one can Pick multiple Chips
- If no image is available , Reddit Logo appears.
- Multi Level Commenting [BONUS]
- User can Follow Even a Blocked User (Design Choise I made) (Can be changed with 1/2 lines change in Backend)