Recipe website that utilises javaScript,python and SQL to host budget oriented recipes for students
In order to run this project there are couple of steps first you need to instsall python or python3 if you are on Mac. you also need to install node.js on your machine.
To run launch Sigma Meal website.
step1: cd SigmaMeals\server
step2: pip install requirements.txt
if Mac/python3 pip3 install requirements.txt
step3: run python
if on windows otherwise python3
if Mac/Linux
step4: cd SigmaMeals\cleint
step5: npm install
step6: npm start
We are using Heroku for deployment and since we are on free version our webstie doesn't run 24/7. the first time you click on the link above if you get 404 wait for 3 to 4 minutes and try again. our free version doesn't have 24/7 active server so it needs to run and start the server if no one runs the website for few hours.