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Run OpenAPI demo


Please go through the prerequisites and launch the demo by running the following make target from project root directory.

make run-openapi-demo

Note: Since this open api demo makes API calls in https make sure you import tls certs generated while running above target. Generated certs can be found in test/bdd/fixtures/keys/tls.

Once both agents are up, click on the agent specific urls to launch the OpenAPI interface.

Alice OpenAPI Interface

Bob OpenAPI Interface

Steps for DIDExchange

  1. On Alice agent, generate an invitation with HTTP POST /connections/create-invitation and copy the invitation from the response. Refer here for sample invitation json.
  2. On Bob agent, save the invitation received from Alice with HTTP POST /connections/receive-invitation API. Note down the connection ID generated in the response.
  3. HTTP GET /connections/{id} with the connection ID from the previous step fetches the new connection record. The state of this record should be invited. Refer here for sample response.
  4. Also, HTTP GET /connections fetches all connection records. There should be one connection with state "invited". Refer here for sample response.
  5. On Bob agent, accept the Invitation from Alice by sending connection ID with HTTP POST /connections/{id}/accept-invitation. After this, the state of the connection should be updated to requested.
  6. On Alice agent, fetch all connections with HTTP GET /connections. There will be one record with status requested (request from Bob). Get the connection ID of this record.
  7. On Alice agent, accept the Bob's request with HTTP POST /connections/{id}/accept-request API.
  8. Calling HTTP GET /connections/{id} on both agents should show the connections with state completed. Alice and Bob are now connected.

Steps for DIDExchange through DIDComm Routers

Carl OpenAPI Interface

Carl's Router OpenAPI Interface

Dave OpenAPI Interface

Dave's Router OpenAPI Interface

  1. Create connection between Carl and his router through DIDExchange (substitute Carl with Bob and Carl's router with Alice while going through the steps).
  2. Create connection between Dave and his router through DIDExchange (substitute Dave with Bob and Dave's router with Alice while going through the steps).
  3. On Carl's agent, register the router with HTTP POST /route/register API by passing his router's connection ID.
  4. On Carl's agent, using HTTP GET /route/connection verify that the connectionID matches with previously set connection ID.
  5. On Carl's agent, generate an invitation using HTTP POST /connections/create-invitation API. Observe that the service endpoint in the invitation is, which is the endpoint of Carl's router.
  6. On Dave's agent, register the router with HTTP POST /route/register API by passing his router's connection ID.
  7. On Dave's agent, using HTTP GET /route/connection verify that the connectionID matches with previously set connection ID.
  8. On Dave's agent, generate an invitation using HTTP POST /connections/create-invitation API. Observe that the service endpoint in the invitation is, which is the endpoint of Dave's router.
  9. Create connection between Carl and Dave through DIDExchange (substitute Carl with Bob and Dave with Alice while going through the steps).


  1. The invitation needs to be created by the router when the edge agent has no inbound support like mobile agents.
  2. To unregister the router, use HTTP DELETE /route/unregister API.

Steps for custom message handling

Prerequisite - There should be a connection between Alice and Bob.

  1. On Alice agent, go to HTTP POST /message/register-service and register a "generic-invite" message service for type "" and purpose "meeting, appointment and event" by using below input parameter.

      "name": "generic-invite",
      "purpose": [
      "type": ""
  2. You can verify this new message service in alice agent by going to HTTP GET /message/services endpoint.

  3. To send a message to Alice, in Bob agent go to HTTP POST /message/send and send a meeting invite message of type "" and purpose "meeting". Input argument will look like this,

    "message":"Hey, meet me today at 4PM",

    Note: In above message, Connection_ID is sample connection id from existing connection with Alice. You can also use their_did instead of connection_ID in above message to select recipient of this message from you existing connections.

  4. Since REST API doesn't have mail box feature to list incoming messages, you can go to Alice agent's webhook url to see the topic/message just received by alice agent.

  5. To unregister already registered message service, in alice agent go to HTTP POST /message/unregister-service and unregister "generic-invite" service by using below input parameter.

      "name": "generic-invite"

Steps for HTTP over DIDComm message handling

Steps http over did comm message handling is same as above, but you can use HTTP POST /http-over-didcomm/register to register http-over-didcomm message handlers.

Steps for creating DID using vdr endpoint

To create DID use HTTP POST /vdr/did/create endpoint. For example, to create a "peer" DID in alice agent, go to HTTP POST /vdr/did/create of alice agent and use below parameters.

  "method": "peer",
  "did": {
    "id": "did:example:1zQmanz2svbjxcYd4J3CtP6Jg6kw4nQpnZQioscz4oKhtLHk",
    "@context": [
    "verificationMethod": [
        "controller": "did:example:123",
        "id": "e2cbb249-8c25-4e6e-8b92-b1ceee211c8c",
        "publicKeyBase58": "7qf5xCRSGP3NW6PAUonYLmq1LCz6Ux5ynek9nbzGgCnP",
        "type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018"
  "opts": {
    "store": true

How to create a did-connection through the out-of-band protocol?

  1. Create an invitation (Alice).
    curl -X POST "https://localhost:8082/outofband/create-invitation" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{  \"label\": \"Alice\"}"
    The response should be similar to the following:
  2. Accept an invitation (Bob).
    curl -X POST "https://localhost:9082/outofband/accept-invitation" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{  \"invitation\": {\"@id\":\"ac0b7436-ce9e-4972-853c-6f434a2f76c0\",\"@type\":\"\",\"label\":\"Alice\",\"service\":[{\"ID\":\"aad685bb-81aa-4c2f-bbd1-403814b8df9a\",\"Type\":\"did-communication\",\"Priority\":0,\"RecipientKeys\":[\"9Mdoqbz8HtRZKYmNpBDR56xM4Ji7fRmuCcpfVP1YnfH2\"],\"RoutingKeys\":null,\"ServiceEndpoint\":\"\",\"Properties\":null}],\"protocols\":[\"\"]},  \"my_label\": \"Bob\"}"
    The response should be similar to the following:
  3. Get connections with state equal to requested (Alice).
    curl -X GET "https://localhost:8082/connections?state=requested" -H  "accept: application/json"
    The response should be similar to the following:
  4. Accept a request (Alice).
    curl -X POST "https://localhost:8082/connections/ea0a0545-d223-4ab0-9fdb-c01172a334f6/accept-request" -H  "accept: application/json"
    The response should be similar to the following:
  5. Check whether the connection state is equal to completed (Alice).
    curl -X GET "https://localhost:8082/connections/ea0a0545-d223-4ab0-9fdb-c01172a334f6" -H  "accept: application/json"
    The response should be similar to the following:
  6. Check whether the connection state is equal to completed (Bob).
    curl -X GET "https://localhost:9082/connections/3ff80ad6-cfe8-4321-8a79-35da25437b48" -H  "accept: application/json"
    The response should be similar to the following:

How to exchange a presentation through the Present Proof protocol?

NOTE: Before using Present Proof protocol you need to establish did-connection. If you already have established a did-connection you can use it, if not then see the instruction of how to establish a did-connection.

  1. Send a request presentation (Alice).

    Make sure that did-connection is established and you have the following values:

    MyDID: did:peer:1zQmRmFgG6PUX8d9Zrrkdh9akh3uijnoTMfx8XiRhMDSFJwT
    TheirDID: did:peer:1zQmQSLFWySB3LACeSrUpvM48QN9frMayNHypnsQjk4GhQKG

    Then perform /presentproof/send-request-presentation API call.

    curl -k -X POST "https://localhost:8082/presentproof/send-request-presentation" \
    -H  "accept: application/json" \
    -H  "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{

    The response should be similar to the following:

  2. Accept a request presentation (Bob).

    To accept a request presentation you need to know PIID. You can achieve that by performing /presentproof/actions API call.

    curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:9082/presentproof/actions" -H  "accept: application/json"

    The response should be similar to the following:


    Then you need to perform /presentproof/{piid}/accept-request-presentation API call. The encoded presentation payload is:


    JWT info:


    The curl request should be the following:

    curl -k -X POST "https://localhost:9082/presentproof/80f8b418-4818-4af6-8915-f299b974f5c2/accept-request-presentation" \
    -H  "accept: application/json" \
    -H  "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{

    The response should be the following:

  3. Accept a presentation (Alice).

    To accept a presentation you need to know PIID. You can achieve that by performing /presentproof/actions API call.

    curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:9082/presentproof/actions" -H  "accept: application/json"

    The response should be similar to the following:


    Then you need to perform /presentproof/{piid}/accept-presentation API call. Do not forget to provide a user-friendly name for the presentation. e.g demo-presentation

    curl -k -X POST "https://localhost:8082/presentproof/80f8b418-4818-4af6-8915-f299b974f5c2/accept-presentation" \
    -H  "accept: application/json" \
    -H  "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{

    The response should be the following:

  4. Check that demo-presentation was saved.

    curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:8082/verifiable/presentations" -H  "accept: application/json"

    The response should be similar to the following:


How to issue credentials through the Issue Credential protocol?

NOTE: Before using Issue Credential protocol you need to establish did-connection. If you already have established a did-connection you can use it, if not then see the instruction of how to establish a did-connection.

  1. Send an offer (Alice).

    Make sure that did-connection is established and you have the following values:

    MyDID: did:peer:1zQmdGgqqKVsLDs8579Udfg1DS3ZsbZrRLpywAeF5w7DuqQa
    TheirDID: did:peer:1zQmeLaYBc1skp4cxxFPyZYwkrKprCXcneQuRWKNmVXjF7Sg

    Then perform /issuecredential/send-offer API call.

    curl -k -X POST "https://localhost:8082/issuecredential/send-offer" \
    -H  "accept: application/json" \
    -H  "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
        "my_did": "did:peer:1zQmdGgqqKVsLDs8579Udfg1DS3ZsbZrRLpywAeF5w7DuqQa",
        "their_did": "did:peer:1zQmeLaYBc1skp4cxxFPyZYwkrKprCXcneQuRWKNmVXjF7Sg",
        "offer_credential": {}

    The response should be similar to the following:

  2. Accept an offer (Bob).

    To accept an offer you need to know PIID. You can achieve that by performing /issuecredential/actions API call.

    curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:9082/issuecredential/actions" -H  "accept: application/json"

    The response should be similar to the following:


    Then you need to perform /issuecredential/{piid}/accept-offer API call.

    curl -k -X POST "https://localhost:9082/issuecredential/4cd06dba-fff2-4f41-a999-4d659fde1a4d/accept-offer" -H  "accept: application/json"

    The response should be the following:

  3. Accept a request (Alice).

    To accept a request you need to know PIID. You can achieve that by performing /issuecredential/actions API call.

    curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:8082/issuecredential/actions" -H  "accept: application/json"

    The response should be similar to the following:


    Then you need to perform /issuecredential/{piid}/accept-request API call.

    curl -k -X POST "https://localhost:8082/issuecredential/4cd06dba-fff2-4f41-a999-4d659fde1a4d/accept-request" \
    -H  "accept: application/json" \
    -H  "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
                         "name":"Example University"

    The response should be the following:

  4. Accept a credential (Bob).

    To accept a credential you need to know PIID. You can achieve that by performing /issuecredential/actions API call.

    curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:9082/issuecredential/actions" -H  "accept: application/json"

    The response should be similar to the following:

                               "name":"Example University"

    Then you need to perform /issuecredential/{piid}/accept-credential API call.

    curl -k -X POST "https://localhost:9082/issuecredential/4cd06dba-fff2-4f41-a999-4d659fde1a4d/accept-credential" \
    -H  "accept: application/json" \
    -H  "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{

    The response should be the following:

  5. Check that demo-credential was saved.

    curl -k -X GET "https://localhost:9082/verifiable/credential/name/demo-credential" -H  "accept: application/json"

    The response should be similar to the following:



Following features are not supported at the moment in RestAPI.

  1. Connection search using different criterion.
  2. Reply to a message using HTTP POST /message/reply




Connection by ID API Response


Connections API Response
