This framework was implemented in Java, and it is used to test the API. The following dependencies were used:
Before to run this project you need the following tools installed on your machine:
- Java version 16 or higher
- Some IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA or VS Code
Clone the repository on your machine and run the following command to run all the tests:
$ ./gradlew clean test
To ensure the quality of the code, It was used a static analysis tool like Sonarcloud. This is part of the Continuous Integration process, and it is run every time new code is pushed in any branch of this repository. If you want to run sonarqube analysis locally, firstly you need to configure a SONAR_TOKEN as a environment variable in your system. After that, run the following command:
$ ./gradlew sonarqube
CI pipeline is written in GitHub Actions, and it is used to run the tests, analyze the code quality in Sonarcloud, generate the reports and publish the reports on GitHub pages. You can see the testing reports in Allure Reports.
This framework was created with educative purposes and is part of AT15 API Testing subject, and was implemented by: