#BMFtools ##Summary BMFtools (Barcoded Molecular Families tools) is a suite of tools for error correction and precise quantitation using reads with molecular barcodes. Reads which are PCR duplicates of original template molecules are molecularly demultiplexed into single unique observations for each sequenced founding template molecule. Accessory tools provide postprocessing, filtering, quality control, and summary statistics.
Reads are originally collapsed into single observations per barcode using exact matching. Following this step, to correct for errors in barcode reading, positional information can be used to rescue reads into unique single observations.
The only difference between inline and secondary index chemistry workflows is the initial bmftools collapse
####Exact-Matching Fastq Consolidation A typical paired-end exact fastq-stage molecular demultiplexing call:
bmftools collapse inline -s <homing_sequence> -l <barcode_length> -o <temporary_file_prefix> -p <threads> -f <final_output_prefix> <r1.fq.gz> <r2.fq.gz>
Secondary Index
bmftools collapse secondary -o <temporary_file_prefix> -p <threads> -f <final_output_prefix> -i <index.fq.gz> <r1.fq.gz> <r2.fq.gz>
Each of these produces final_output_prefix.R1.fq
and final_output_prefix.R2.fq
. (A .gz suffix is appended if the output is gzip compressed.)
Barcode metadata is written into fastq comments in SAM auxiliary tag format. These reads are then aligned with bwa mem with the -C option, which appends the fastq comment to the end of the sam record. This trivially adds tags to all alignments for each read.
bwa mem -CYT0 -t<threads> <idx.base> final_output_prefix.R1.fq final_output_prefix.R2.fq | samtools view -bho final_output.bam
The metadata tags have now been parsed into auxiliary tags in the output bam file and can be used by downstream tools.
####Rescue Because errors occur in reading barcodes, this initial exact-matching step is not completely successful in grouping reads from the same original template molecule. To account for this, an optional rescue protocol has been implemented.
This rescue takes place in two steps -- first, a sort which groups together based on alignment signature, and second, collapsing reads sharing these signatures with similar barcodes into single observations.
"Alignment signatures" consist of a read and its mate's alignment information, if paired.
Because reads need both their and their mates' alignment information, including read length, the preprocessing
bmftools mark
is required prior to bmftools sort.
Because reads that have been modified may align elsewhere, these reads are all realigned. In addition, this regenerates all of the secondary and supplementary alignments.
In the collapsing bmftools rsq
step, supplementary and secondary reads are stripped to preserve balanced pairs.
If secondary and supplementary alignments are needed for other reads,these should be written to the temporary fastq for realignment using the -s option.
bmftools mark -l0 final_output.bam | bmftools sort -o <final_output_prefix.bmfsort.bam> -
bmftools rsq -f<tmp.fq> <final_output_prefix.bmfsort.bam> <final_output_prefix.tmprsq.bam>
Realigned reads are then sorted and merged in with the other reads in the dataset.
bwa mem -pCYT0 -t<threads> <reference> -f<tmp.fq> | bmftools mark | samtools sort -l 0 -Obam -T <tmp_prefix> | samtools merge -cpfh final_output_prefix.tmprsq.bam final_output_prefix.rsqmerged.bam final_output_prefix.tmprsq.bam -
For efficiency, this can be heavily piped to reduce I/O and unnecessary compression/decompression. At this point, final_output_prefix.tmprsq.bam contains supplementary and secondary alignments for all template molecules, and reads have been rescued using alignment information.
####Post-Alignment: Now what?
If you're not interested in taking advantage of the barcode metadata (new p values, family sizes, &c.), this bam is ready for downstream analysis.
For more specific use cases, postprocessing steps (such as cap and filter) can be used to prepare a bam for use by BMF-agnostic tools, and variant calling can be performed or vetted with bmftools stack
or bmftools vet
For translocation detection, soft-clippings are often used as markers for potential events. To improve performance of such tools, (e.g., WHAM), if adapters sequences have been masked, successive masked bases at the ends of reads can be removed by maskripper. For rescue to work properly, however, this should be performed only after rescue has been completed.
All command-line options are available from the command-line as follows:
For a list of subcommands:
bmftools <--help/-h>
For usage for a subcommand:
bmftools <subcommand> <-h>
bmftools cap -f 0.8 -c 200 input.bam output.bam
bmftools depth -H coverage_uniformity.hist.txt -b capture.bed -Q1 input.bam > coverage.bed.txt
bmftools collapse inline -p 12 -f output_prefix -l <barcode_length> input_R1.fastq.gz input_r2.fastq.gz
bmftools collapse secondary -p 12 -s 1 -o tmp_prefix -f output_prefix -i index.fastq.gz read1.fastq.gz read2.fastq.gz
bmftools err fm reference.fasta input.srt.bam > err_by_fm.txt
bmftools err main -c cycle_err.txt -n base_call_err.txt -g global_err.txt -o rescaled_qualities.txt reference.fasta input.srt.bam
bmftools err region -b regions.bed -o err_by_region.txt reference.fasta input.srt.bam
bmftools famstats fm input.bam > famstats.txt
bmftools famstats frac 2 input.bam > frac_fm_ge2.txt
bmftools filter -s2 input.bam output.bam
bmftools mark -l0 input.bam output.bam
bmftools rsq -f tmp.fastq input.bam tmp.out.bam
bmftools sort -T tmp_prefix input.bam output.bam
bmftools stack --ref reference.fasta -o output.vcf -b capture.bed --min-family-size 3 tumor.bam normal.bam
bmftools target -b capture.bed input.bam
bmftools vet -o output.vcf -b capture.bed --min-family-size 3 input.bcf input.bam
####collapse Description:
Collapses barcoded fastq data by exact barcode matching. To achieve linear performance with arbitrarily large datasets, an initial marking step subsets the reads by the first few nucleotides in the barcode. The more of these are used, the lower the RAM requirements but the more temporary files are written. This is controlled by the -n option. collapse has two subcommands:
- inline 1. Collapses inline barcoded datasets.
- secondary 2. Collapses secondary barcoded datasets.
collapse inline
The homing sequence is a sequence of bases marking the end of the random nucleotides which make up the barcode. This is required to ensure that chemistry has worked as expected and to identify the barcode length, which is used for additional entropy.
Usage: bmftools collapse inline <options> input_R1.fastq.gz input_R2.fastq.gz
> -D: Skip final consolidation and only create temporary marked subset files.
> -n: Number of bases in the beginning of the barcode to use for subsetting.
> -S: Run in single-end mode. (ignores read 2)
> -=: Emit output to stdout, interleaved if paired-end, instead of writing to disk.
> -s: Homing sequence. REQUIRED.
> -l: Barcode length. REQUIRED. For variable-length barcodes, this signifies the minimum length.
> -v: Maximum barcode length. Only needed for variable-length barcodes.
> -o: Temporary file basename. Defaults to a random string variation on the input filename.
> -t: Reads with a homopolymer of threshold <parameter> length or greater are marked as QC fail. Default: 10.
> -m: Skip first <parameter> bases at the beginning of each read for use in barcode due to their high error rates.
> -p: Number of threads to use for collapse step.
> -f: Sets final fastq prefix. Final filenames will be <parameter>.R[12].fq if uncompressed, <parameter>.R[12].fq.gz if compressed. Ignored if -= is set.
> -r: Path to text file with rescaled quality scores. Used for rescaling quality scores during collapse. Only used if provided.
> -z: Flag to write gzip-compressed output.
> -T: Write temporary fastq files with gzip compression level <parameter>. Defaults to transparent gzip files (zlib >= 1.2.5) or uncompressed (zlib < 1.2.5).
> -g: Gzip compression parameter when writing gzip-compressed output. Default: 1.
> -u: Notification interval. Log each <parameter> sets of reads processed during the initial marking step. Default: 1000000.
> -w: Leave temporary files.
> -h/-?: Print usage.
collapse secondary
Usage: bmftools collapse secondary <options> input_R1.fastq.gz input_R2.fastq.gz
> -i: Path to index fastq. REQUIRED.
> -n: Number of bases in the beginning of the barcode to use for subsetting.
> -D: Skip final consolidation and only create temporary marked subset files.
> -S: Run in single-end mode. (ignores read 2)
> -s: Number of bases from the beginning of each read to use to "salt" the barcode for additional entropy.
> -o: Temporary file basename. Defaults to a random string variation on the input filename.
> -t: Reads with a homopolymer of threshold <parameter> length or greater are marked as QC fail. Default: 10.
> -m: Skip first <parameter> bases at the beginning of each read for use in barcode salting due to their high error rates.
> -p: Number of threads to use for collapse step.
> -=: Emit output to stdout, interleaved if paired-end, instead of writing to disk.
> -f: Sets final fastq prefix. Final filenames will be <parameter>.R[12].fq if uncompressed, <parameter>.R[12].fq.gz if compressed. Ignored if -= is set.
> -r: Path to text file with rescaled quality scores. Used for rescaling quality scores during collapse. Only used if provided.
> -z: Flag to write gzip-compressed output.
> -T: Write temporary fastq files with gzip compression level <parameter>. Defaults to transparent gzip files (zlib >= 1.2.5) or uncompressed (zlib < 1.2.5).
> -g: Gzip compression parameter when writing gzip-compressed output. Default: 1.
> -u: Notification interval. Log each <parameter> sets of reads processed during the initial marking step. Default: 1000000.
> -w: Leave temporary files.
> -h/-?: Print usage.
####rsq Description:
Positional rescue. Reads with the same start position are compared. If their barcodes are sufficiently similar, they are treated as having originatedfrom the same original template molecule.
Usage: bmftools rsq -ftmp.fq input.bam tmp.bam
> -f: Path for the fastq for reads that need to be realigned. REQUIRED.
> -s: Flag to write reads with supplementary alignments . Default: False.
> -S: Flag to indicate that this rescue is for single-end data.
> -t: Mismatch limit. Default: 2
> -l: Set bam compression level. Valid: 0-9. (0 == uncompressed)
> -m: Trust unmasked bases if reads being collapsed disagree but one is unmasked. Default: mask anyways.
> -i: Flag to work on unbarcoded data and infer solely by positional information. Treats all reads as singletons.
> -u: Ignored unbalanced pairs. Typically, unbalanced pairs means the bam is corrupted or unsorted.
Use this flag to still return a zero exit status, but only use if you know what you're doing.
> -h/-?: Print usage.
####stack Description: > A maximally-permissive single nucleotide variant caller for matched sample pairs using molecular barcode metadata analogous to samtools mpileup. > Reads with the same read name are merged into a single observation for each pileup, with p-values merged according to Fisher's method. > Passing calls are marked BMF_PASS. > Passing calls in the tumor but not the normal are marked as SOMATIC.
> -R, --refpath: Path to fasta reference. REQUIRED.
> -b, --bed-path: Path to bed file for anaylsis. REQUIRED.
> -p, --padding: Number of bases around each region to pad in calling variants.
> -o, --outpath: Path to output [bv]cf. Defaults to stdout.
> -c, --min-count: Minimum number of passing observations to pass a variant.
> -s, --min-family-size: Minimum family size required to pass an observation.
> -f, --min-fraction-agreed: Minimum fraction of family members agreed on a base call.
> -v, --min-phred-quality: Minimum PV tag value required.
> -a, --min-family-agreed: Minimum number of reads in a family agreed on a base call.
> -m, --min-mapping-quality: Minimum mapping quality required for inclusion of a read.
> -2, --skip-secondary: Skip secondary alignments.
> -S, --skip-supplementary: Skip supplementary alignments.
> -q, --skip-qc-fail: Skip reads marked as QC fail.
> -r, --skip-duplicates: Skip reads marked as duplicates.
> -B, --emit-bcf-format: Emit bcf-formatted output instead of vcf.
TODO: Fill in details on these tags.
VCF Header Fields:
* BMF_PASS: 1 if variant passes, 0 otherwise.
* BMF_QUANT: Estimated quantity given observation for each allele.
* ADP_PASS: Number of high-confidence unique observations for allele.
* ADP_ALL: Number of all unique observations for each allele, inc. both low- and high-confidence
* ADPO: Number of overlapping read pair observations for allele.
* ADPD: Number of duplex observations for allele.
* ADPR: Number of original reverse strand-aligned observations for allele.
* ADPRV: Number of original RV observations for allele.
* REVERSE_FRAC: Fraction of reads aligned to the reverse strand supporting allele.
* QSS: Q Score Sum supporting allele.
* AMBIG: Number of ambiguous base calls at position.
* SOMATIC_CALL: Boolean value for a somatic call for allele.
* FR_FAILED: Number of observations failed by fraction of family members agreed on a base call per sample.
* FM_FAILED: Number of observations failed for insufficient family size per sample.
* FP_FAILED: Number of observations failed for failing barcode QC per sample.
* AF_FAILED: Number of observations failed for insufficient aligned fraction.
* MQ_FAILED: Number of observations failed for insufficient mapping quality.
* IMPROPER: Number of observations failed for being in an improper pair.
* OVERLAP: Number of overlapping read pairs at position.
* AFR: Allele Fractions per allele, including reference.
####vet Description: > Curates variant calls from a bcf file and an associated, indexed bam file. > Overlapping reads in a pileup are treated as two observations and are merged, if agreed, using Fisher's method. > Discordant unambiguous base calls are masked. Ambiguous base calls are overridden by an unambiguous call from its mate.
> -b, --bed-path: Path to bed file for anaylsis. REQUIRED.
> -p, --padding: Number of bases around each region to pad in calling variants.
> -o, --outpath: Path to output [bv]cf. Defaults to stdout.
> -c, --min-count: Minimum number of passing observations to pass a variant.
> -s, --min-family-size: Minimum family size required to pass an observation.
> -f, --min-fraction-agreed: Minimum fraction of family members agreed on a base call.
> -v, --min-phred-quality: Minimum PV tag value required.
> -a, --min-family-agreed: Minimum number of reads in a family agreed on a base call.
> -m, --min-mapping-quality: Minimum mapping quality required for inclusion of a read.
> -2, --skip-secondary: Skip secondary alignments.
> -S, --skip-supplementary: Skip supplementary alignments.
> -q, --skip-qc-fail: Skip reads marked as QC fail.
> -F, --skip-recommended: Skip secondary, supplementary, and PCR duplicates.
> -B, --emit-bcf-format: Emit bcf-formatted output instead of vcf.
VCF Header Fields:
* BMF_VET: 1 if a variant passes, 0 otherwise.
* BMF_QUANT: Estimated quantity given observation for each allele.
* BMF_UNIOBS: Number of unique observations supporting a variant at that position.
* BMF_DUPLEX: Number of duplex observations supporting a variant at that position.
* BMF_FAIL: NUmber of reads at position failing filters.
* DUPLEX_DEPTH: Number of duplex reads at position passing filters.
* DISC_OVERLAP: Number of read pairs at position with discordant base calls.
* OVERLAP: Number of overlapping read pairs combined into single observations at position.
####depth Description:
Creates a bed file of coverage depths for both raw and collapsed read families over a capture region of interest. Requires an indexed bam.
Usage: bmftools depth <options> input_R1.srt.bam
> -o: Write coverage bed to <path> instead of stdout.
> -H: Write out a histogram of the number of bases in a capture covered at each depth or greater.
> -Q: Only count bases of at least <parameter> quality [0]
> -f: Only count bases of at least <parameter> Family size (unmarked reads are treated as FM 1) [0]
> -m: Max depth. Default: 262144.
> -n: Set N for quantile reporting. Default: 4 (quartiles)
> -p: Number of bases around region to pad in coverage calculations. Default: 0
> -s: Skip reads with an FP tag whose value is 0. (Fail)
####target Description:
Calculates the fraction of on-target reads, both raw and consolidated.
Usage: bmftools target <in.bam>
> -b: Path to bed. REQUIRED.
> -m: Set minimum mapping quality for inclusion.
> -p: Set padding - number of bases around target region to consider as on-target. Default: 0.
> -n: Set notification interval - number of reads between logging statements. Default: 1000000.
####err Description:
Calculates error rates by a variety of parameters. Additionally, pre-computes the quality score recalibration for the optional collapse recalibration step. err has 3 subcommands:
- main 1. Primary output is recalibrated quality scores given a sequenced, aligned, sorted standard dataset. (e.g., PhiX) 2. err main also produces error rates by cycle, base call, quality score, facilitating error analysis.
- fm 1. err fm calculates error rates by family size.
- region 1. err region calculates error rates by bed region.
Usage: bmftools err main <reference.fasta> <in.csrt.bam>
> -o: Path to output file. Set to '-' or 'stdout' to emit to stdout.
> -a: Set minimum mapping quality for inclusion.
> -S: Set minimum calculated PV tag value for inclusion.
> -r: Name of contig. If set, only reads aligned to this contig are considered
> -3: Path to write the 3d offset array in tabular format.
> -f: Path to write the full measured error rates in tabular format.
> -n: Path to write the cycle/nucleotide call error rates in tabular format.
> -c: Path to write the cycle error rates in tabular format.
> -g: Path to write the global error rates in tabular format.
> -b: Path to bed file for restricting analysis.
> -m: Minimum family size for inclusion. Default: 0.
> -M: Maximum family size for inclusion. Default: 2147483647.
> -d: Flag to only calculate error rates for duplex reads.
> -D: Flag to only calculate error rates for non-duplex reads.
> -p: Set padding for bed region. Default: 0.
> -P: Only include proper pairs.
> -O: Set minimum number of observations for imputing quality Default: 10000.
> -h/-? Print usage.
Usage: bmftools err fm <reference.fasta> <in.csrt.bam>
> -o: Path to output file. Set to '-' or 'stdout' to emit to stdout.
> -h/-?: Print usage.
> -S: Set minimum calculated PV tag value for inclusion.
> -a: Set minimum mapping quality for inclusion.
> -r: Name of contig. If set, only reads aligned to this contig are considered
> -b: Path to bed file for restricting analysis.
> -d: Flag to only calculate error rates for duplex reads.
> -p: Set padding for bed region. Default: 0.
> -P: Only include proper pairs.
> -F: Require that the FP tag be present and nonzero.
> -f: Require that the fraction of family members agreed on a base be <parameter> or greater. Default: 0.0
Usage: bmftools err region <reference.fasta> <in.csrt.bam>
-b: Path to bed file. REQUIRED. -o: Path to output file. Leave unset or set to '-' or 'stdout' to emit to stdout. -a: Set minimum mapping quality for inclusion. -p: Set padding for bed region. Default: 0. -h/-?: Print usage.
####bmftools famstats Description:
Calculates summary statistics related to family size and demultiplexing.
famstats consists of two subcommands: fm and frac.
- fm 2. famstats fm produces summary statistics and count distributions for family size, duplex/reverse reads, and read rescue statistics.
- frac 1. famstats frac
Usage: bmftools famstats fm <in.bam>
> -m: Set minimum mapping quality. Default: 0.
> -f: Set minimum family size. Default: 0.
Usage: bmftools famstats frac <in.bam>
Options: > -n: Set notification interval. Default: 1000000. > -h/-?: Print usage.
####cap Description:
Caps quality scores using barcode metadata to facilitate working with barcode-agnostic tools.
Usage: bmftools cap <options> input_R1.srt.bam output.bam
> -l: Set output compression level. Default: 6.
> -t: Set phred score to which to set passing base qualities. Default: 93 ('~').
> -m: Set minFM required to pass reads. Default: 0.
> -f: Minimum fraction of reads in a family supporting a base call for inclusion. Default: 1.0.
> -c: Set minimum calculated phred score to not mask a base call. Default: 0.
> -d: Flag to only mask failing base scores as '#'/2, not modifying passing quality scores.
> -h/-?: Print usage.
####filter Description:
Filters or splits a bam file. In filter mode, only passing reads are output. In split mode, emits passing reads to one file and failing reads to another.
Usage: bmftools filter <options> input_R1.srt.bam output.bam
> -l: Set output compression level. Default: 6.
> -a: Read pairs without one read with an aligned fraction above <parameter> are failed.
> -m: Minimum mapping quality.
> -F: Fail all reads with any bits in <parameter> set.
> -f: Fail all reads without all bits in <parameter> set.
> -b: Require reads be within the region defined by the bed file at <parameter>.
> -P: Number of bases around the bed file with which to pad.
> -r: If set, write failing reads to bam at <parameter>.
> -v: Invert pass/fail. (Analogous to grep.)
####sort Description:
Sorts an alignment file in preparation for read consolidation using positional information. Essentially a modification of samtools sort.
> -l INT Set compression level, from 0 (uncompressed) to 9 (best)
> -m INT Set maximum memory per thread; suffix K/M/G recognized [768M]
> -o FILE Write final output to FILE rather than standard output. If splitting, this is used as the prefix.
> -O FORMAT Write output as FORMAT ('sam'/'bam'/'cram') Default: bam.
> -T PREFIX Write temporary files to PREFIX.nnnn.bam. Default: 'MetasyntacticVariable')
> -@ INT Set number of sorting and compression threads [1]
> -s Flag to split the bam into a list of file handles.
> -p If splitting into a list of handles, this sets the file prefix.
> -S Flag to specify single-end.
> -h/-? Print usage.
####mark Description:
Marks a sets of template bam records with auxiliary tags for use in downstream tools. Required for sort and rsq. Intended primarily for piping. Default compression is therefore 0. Typical compression for writing to disk: 6.
Usage: bmftools mark <input.namesrt.bam> <output.bam>
> -l: Sets bam compression level. (Valid: 1-9). Default: 0.
> -q: Skip read pairs which fail.
> -d: Set bam compression level to default (6).
> -i: Skip read pairs whose insert size is less than <INT>.
> -u: Skip read pairs where both reads have a fraction of unambiguous base calls >= <parameter>
> -S: Use this for single-end marking. Only sets the QC fail bit for reads failing barcode QC.
> Set input.namesrt.bam to '-' or 'stdin' to read from stdin.
> Set output.bam to '-' or 'stdout' or omit to stdout.
> Thus `bmftools mark` defaults to reading and writing from stdin and stdout, respectively, in paired-end mode.