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274 lines (205 loc) · 11.1 KB

Release Note

Release v1.2.0 (9 September 2024)

Core and Library

  • Adds Helium implementations for IIR-Blur operations

  • Adds Canary to the scratch memory management

  • Improves the porting user experience

  • Adds a new API for colour-filling-with-A1-mask with/without opacity

  • Fixes a potential issue found in the pixel-pipeline

    • In some rare case when the target region pointer is NULL, the operation behaviour is UNDEFINED
  • Adds new series APIs for colour-filling-with-alpha-gradient

    • Adds variants for defining alpha gradient with 4-sample-points, 3-sample-points, vertial mode and horizontal mode
    • Adds varients for specifying a source mask
    • Adds varients for specifying an optional opacity
  • Significantly improves the performance of transform operations

    • ~80% performance uplift for non-Helium powered Cortex-M processors
    • ~20% performance uplift for the helium version of colour-filling-with-mask-opacity-and-transform
    • Introduces an assumption that ALL masks and pictures should contains a 1-pixel width boarder when applied to the transform operations. The colour of the boarder should be same with the background of the picture or the corresponding alpha is always zero.
  • Adds an experimental 2x Super-Sampling-Anti-Alias (2xSSAA) transform implementation


Helper Services

  • Improves the Layout Assistant
    • Updates the layout assistant to improve the performance of user applications
    • Allows users to specify the layout alignment
  • Adds a helper service for fonts and lcd display
    • Simplifies the support for user defined fonts.
    • Adds the scaling support to A1, A2 and A4 fonts
    • Improves the font display performance
    • Fixes some char size calculation issues
    • Adds a new API arm_lcd_puts_label to display a label with an user specified aligment requirement.
  • Updates the scene player service
    • Adds a manual switching mode and allows user to cancel an on-going switching
    • Adds new switching mode, Fly-In, and adds an optional background blur effects to Fly-In mode
  • Adds a helper services for user defined controls (user defined element tree)
    • Adds traversal algorithms: pre-order traversal, post-order traversal and bottom-up traversal
    • Adds a dedicated API for finding the top-most control with the coordinate of an user touch event
  • Improves the helper service for list
    • Fixes some list-item-selection related issues
    • Adds the Non-Ring mode
  • Improves the accuracy and behaviour of the PIHelper

Examples and Templates

  • Adds a new scene template animate backgroundfor the new virtual resource background-image-loading mode

  • Update the Benchmarks

    • Adds a 4-sample-point alpha gradient to the Generic Benchmark
    • Replaces the clock-pointer rotation transform operation from tile-transform-with-source-mask to colour-filling-with-mask-opacity-and-transform.
    • Updates the benchmark table
  • Improves the overall performance and reduces the memory footprint

  • Adds an background-only mode to the bubble charging scene template

  • Updates the demo scene arm_2d_scene_basics to demonstarte the colour-filling-with-alpha-gradient operations.

  • Improves the progress_bar_flowing, progress_bar_drill and progress_bar_simple

  • Update list related controls

    • Adds a base class __simple_list_t
    • Re-factories the number_list_t to inherit from the __simple_list_t
    • Adds a new control text_list_t which is derived from __simple_list_t
    • Allows users to customize a number_list_t instance.
    • Adds new demos for list: Ruler and Hallow-Out List
    • Updates the scene template Fan to demonstrate the use of the text_list_t.
  • Adds a new demo scene for testing tranform operations

  • Updates the example control: nebula

    • Improves the performance
    • Adds support for the inside-out movement
  • Improves the performance of the example Helium-ACI library

  • Adds built-in fonts for a subset of the ASCII: ARM_2D_FONT_Arial14_A8, ARM_2D_FONT_Arial14_A4 ,ARM_2D_FONT_Arial14_A2 and ARM_2D_FONT_Arial14_A1

  • Updates the asset c_tileSpinWheelMask to fulfill the requirement of the updated transform operations.

  • Adds a new example control: spin_zoom_widget_t

    • Updates arm_2d_scene_fan and arm_2d_scene_watch to demonstrate the usage of spin_zoom_widget_t
  • Adds a new example control: meter_pointer_t

    • Updates arm_2d_scene_meter to demonstrate the usage of meter_pointer_t
  • Adds a new example control: cloudy_glass_t

  • Adds a new demo: watch face 01

Documentation and Misc

  • Improves python scripts in the tools folder.
    • Adds support for FT_PIXEL_MODE_MONO, FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY2 and FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY4 font in
    • Allows adding an user defined header file in arm_2d_cfg.h by defining the macro __ARM_2D_USER_APP_CFG_H__.
    • Adds support for generating A1 mask to
  • Updates and the doxygen script
  • Updates the copy-right
  • Improves the support for IAR

Release v1.1.6 (23 May 2024)

Core and Library

  • Improves the compatibility with IAR and GCC
  • Various fixes in the Helium library
  • Adds new APIs for fill-colour-with-mirroring (with/without opacity)
  • Adds new APIs for fill-colour-with-horizontal/vertical-line-masks (with/without opacity)
  • Adds new APIs for tile-copy-with-source-mask-and-opacity
  • Adds implicit conversion for ARGB8888 (ccca8888) in tile-copy APIs
    • Copy with Opacity
    • Copy with Source Masks (with/without Opacity)
  • Adds experimental APIs for IIR blur
  • Adds a Helium-ACI example library.
  • Uses jinja scripts for generating source files
  • Improves pixel-pipeline for processing masks

Helper Services

  • Improves performance statistics

    • Allows frame-skipping when no valid dirty region
  • Improves log services

    • Adds a dedicated channel for statistics
    • Adds a dedicated channel for example controls
    • Adds line number
  • Improves scratch memory management

  • Improves the layout assistant

    • Adds macro helpers for docking
    • Allows arm_2d_canvas to skip running when it is out of the partial-framebuffer valid region.
    • Improves the capability of the layout nesting.
    • Adds a layout assistant debug mode
  • Improves the lcd printf service

    • Improves the scaling service
  • Improves the Display Adapter service

    • Adds the support for screen rotation (90, 180 and 270 degrees) in the Display Adapter service
    • Adds colour information
    • Allows retargeting printf to LCD
    • Improves user application performance
    • Improves the support for UTF8
    • Adds arm_2d_helper_pfb_is_region_being_drawing
    • Adds a Tiny Mode for navigation layer
  • Improves the Scene Player service

    • Adds the canvas colour to arm_2d_scene_t.
    • Adds an onLoad event to arm_2d_scene_t.
    • Adds a built-in dirty region helper service
    • Improves the scene switching effects
  • Adds a helper service for byte FIFO: arm_2d_byte_fifo_t

  • Adds __arm_2d_helper_time_elapsed

  • Adds helper services for dirty regions

  • Adds a code template for adding user defined OPCODE

Examples and Templates

  • Improves the compatibility with CMSIS6
  • Improves the complexity of the generic benchmark
  • Adds an example control for drawing rounded corner images
  • Allows changing the masks when
    • drawing rounded corner boxes
    • drawing rounded corner border
    • drawing progress wheel
  • Adds built-in dirty region support to example controls
  • Adds example project for csolution: [template][csolution]
  • Improves code templates of the scene, the display adapter and the example control
  • Adds demos
  • Marks arm_extra_controls.h as deprecated. Please use arm_2d_example_controls.h instead.
  • Adds new example controls:
    • console box
    • histogram
  • Adds new scene templates:
    • alarm clock
    • bubble charging
    • fan
  • Adds new assets
  • Adds an onDrawParticles event handler to the dynamic nebular
  • Fixes small issues in example controls
  • Improve the PC template
  • Reduces the memory footprint of example controls.
  • Improves the performance of example controls

Documentation and Misc

  • Improves python scripts in the tools folder.
  • Adds a document for how-to-use-jinja-script-for-code-generation

Release v1.1.5 (01 Dec 2023)

Core and Library

  • Improves the support for masks in the pixel-pipeline.
  • Updates transform operations
    • Always generating a child tile for the target tile in transform operations.
    • Adds optimization for hollow out masks in C implementations
  • Adds the support for adding Asynchronous acceleration, Synchronous acceleration and ACI acceleration.
  • Adds the support for trace log
  • Adds a new API: arm_2d_is_region_inside_target()

Helper Services

  • Updates for generating A1, A2 and A4 fonts.
  • Updates the Display Adapter Service (the PFB Helper Service)
    • Introduces a Dry-Run mode in the PFB helper service.
    • Introduces the Dynamic Dirty Region, a new type of dirty region items that allows users to update its area during drawing and interact with the PFB. helper service.
    • Introduces the concept of virtual screen which is used to anchor the virtual screen in the PFB helper service.
    • Introduces the Dirty Region Optimization in the PFB Helper service.
    • Updates the performance statistic service in the Display Adapter service.
      • Introduces the CPU Usage info calculation.
      • Places the performance statistic to the Display Adapter class.
    • Simplifies the way of navigation layer customization.
    • Improves the robustness of the Asynchronous Flushing helper.
    • Improves the dirty region debug mode.
    • Updates the disp_adapter_task() to support Framerate-Locking in the bare-metal environment.
  • Introduces helper macros for docking.
  • Adds the char scaling support to A8 fonts.
  • Updates the transform helper service.
    • Fixes an issue in region calculation.
    • Improves the performance.

Examples and Templates

  • Adds a new example scene to demonstrate a curve-list-view.

  • Adds a new example scene (arm_2d_scene_audiomark) to demonstrate the dirty region optimization

  • Adds a new service, 3FB helper service for supporting the so-called Direct Mode.

  • Updates example controls and scene templates.

    • Adds dirty regions to the Progress Wheel.
    • Adds a new API for drawing round corner image.
    • Updates the APIs for drawing round corner boxes and allows specifying user defined resources.
    • Updates the progress bars.
    • Adds a new scene template for fitness trackers.
  • Updates benchmarks

    • Reduces the SRAM footprint of the tiny mode for the generic benchmark.
  • Improve PC template

Documentation and Misc

  • Adds an initial support for CMake.
  • Introduces a header template arm_2d_user_arch_port.h and makes it easier to port arm-2d to a different architecture other than Cortex-M.
  • Improves the support for C++ compilation.
  • Fixes the support for the Arm Compiler 5.
  • Improve the support for Arm Compiler 6.21.
  • Adds a new document How To Accelerate Arm-2D
  • Updates the document How To Deploy Arm-2D to introduce the supports for Asynchronous Flushing Mode and Direct Mode.
  • Updates the benchmark generic result.
  • Updates
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