Straightforward control panel example utilising bootstrap and custom styling.
Once running you'll need to login to view the control panel. Click the Login button and then enter (case-sensitive) Either:
- Heart
This will pretend like we've talked to an auth server and set our user state to the preconfigured setup.
The app is powered by React, React-router, Bootstrap, React-redux and packaged by WebPack.
Notes: Style changing via inline style has been done for demonstration purposes, in a true white-labelled product, we'd simply target a remote CSS file based on user context.
Open Weather API Key - Keys should never be stored in FE apps, in a real system we'd have a middleware api with auth on in in order to carry out this action.
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode on web-pack-dev-server.
Should auto open in the browser, else open http://localhost:8080 to view it in the browser.
Runs example component tests using jest, enzyme and redux mock store
Builds the app for dev to the /dist/ folder.
Checks the project for code styling.