Any change to the code needs to be proven by passing the Unit or Systems Integration tests. Developers should add accompanying tests (of type either Unit or Systems Integration) to the set of changes in a PR. If a PR lacks the required tests, it should wait till all the tests are written before being merged into develop
AppVeyor CI builds PRs and runs Unit tests. This step must be passed for PR before its merge.
Systems Integration tests(on Travi-CI) do not run on PRs and most likely a PR will be retargetted at another branch so maintainers can test the code before merging it into develop
Before creating a pull request, make sure that your PR
- Has the HEAD commit from
branch - Has a clear message saying why this PR
- References/Explains any related issues
All requests to Telegram Bot API are represented by classes derived from RequestBase<TResult>
If a request class (and its accompanying method on ITelegramBotClient
) accepts a collection, the type must be IEnumerable<T>
. Also, return types of JSON array responses will be TResult[]