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CDS Connect Authoring Tool


The Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Authoring Tool is a web-based application aimed at simplifying the creation of production-ready CQL code. The project is based on "concept templates" (e.g. gender, HDL Cholesterol, etc.), which allow for additional clinical concepts to be included in the future. Concept modifiers are included to allow for more flexible definitions (e.g. most recent, value comparisons, etc.).

The CDS Authoring Tool is part of the CDS Connect project, sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), and initially developed under contract with AHRQ by MITRE's Health FFRDC.


For information about contributing to this project, please see CONTRIBUTING.

Development Details

This project provides the R (React) in the MERN application architecture. It was bootstrapped with Create React App. Relevant files are in the src/ filter. Refer to the Create React App User Guide for guidance on features and how to perform common tasks.

To develop this project, you must install a Node.js LTS release, which will also install npm. On Mac OS X, this can be done through Homebrew:

brew install node # install node

For other operating systems, use the instructions provided in each tool's online documentation.

Once the prerequisite tools are installed, use npm to install the dependency libraries:

npm install # installs this app's dependencies based on this project's package.json / package-lock.json

To run the project, you'll also need to install and run the CDS Authoring Tool API.

Add / Remove / Adjust dependencies

npm install <package> # add a package. add --save-dev if this is a development dependency.
npm install <package>@<version> # will adjust version
npm uninstall <package> # remove a package.


This project has very few configuration needs, most of which are configurable via environment variables:

  • REACT_APP_API_URL: the URL for the backend API (defaults to /authoring/api)
  • REACT_APP_DAP_URL: the URL for the DAP analytics endpoint (blank by default, indicating no analytics)
  • REACT_APP_GTM_KEY: the Google Tag Manager key for analytics (blank by default, indicating no analytics)

The default values can be found in the .env file and overridden via environment variables. Note that during a production build, the current values in the environment and/or .env will be hard-coded into the resulting HTML and JS.

In addition, when running a production build via server.js, the Content-Security-Policy is active, requiring a hash of the inline GoogleTagManager script in order for it to be invoked. Since the hash varies depending on the GTM key, it needs to be provided via an environment variable as well:

  • CSP_SCRIPT_HASH: a hash that will be added to the script-src policy directive (e.g., sha256-RFWPLDbv2BY+rCkDzsE+0fr8ylGr2R2faWMhq4lfEQc=)

The easiest way to determine the required hash value is to do the following:

  • Ensure REACT_APP_GTM_KEY is set via the .env file or environment variable
  • Build the frontend and run it (npm run start-prod)
  • Open the local Authoring Tool page in Google Chrome and look in the console for an error message with the hash

Enabling HTTPS

By default, the frontend server and API server listen over unsecure HTTP. To listen over HTTPS, all three of the following environment variables must be set:

  • HTTPS: Set to true to enable HTTPS.
  • SSL_KEY_FILE: The absolute path to the SSL key file (e.g., /data/ssl/server.key)
  • SSL_CRT_FILE: The absolute path to the SSL cert file (e.g., /data/ssl/server.cert)

These variable names match the variables documented in Create React App's Using HTTPS in Development documentation.


npm start will run the frontend in development mode, with hot redeployment when changes are detected on the filesystem.

npm start # run the app in development mode, watching files for changes

To easily run both the backend API server and the frontend in development mode, see the instructions on the main README.

Production Build and Run

A production build compiles all of the files to standard HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that can be run from any web server. It does require, however, that the path /authoring/api be proxied to the API server.

npm run build # does a production build, putting resulting files in ./build.

You can run the production code simply by launching the server.js script. It uses Express to host the production code and proxy to the API server. This requires the API server to be running.

node server.js


JavaScript linting is done on the React components by ESLint, extending the rulesets from react-app, Airbnb and jsx-a11y for accessibility checking. Please refer to those rulesets and use the Airbnb JSX/React style guide.

Sass linting is done by Stylelint, using the Stylelint standard config.

npm run lint # runs eslint using the configuration in .eslintrc.
npm run lint:fix # runs eslint --fix using the configuration in .eslintrc. The --fix flag will autocorrect minor errors
npm run lint-css # runs stylelint 'src/styles/**/*.scss' using the configuration in .stylelintrc


Frontend testing uses jsdom with Jest as the test runner. Enzyme provides helpers.

npm test # runs all frontend tests
npm test -- --coverage # view frontend test coverage

Jest provides the overall testing framework. The default setup running Jest via npm test will only run any tests that have been updated since the last commit. Use the prompt to specify running all tests or specific tests. Useful tools it provides are:

Enzyme is used for rendering and manipulating DOM elements. Shallow rendering will render a component without rendering any other components that are children, whereas full rendering will render a component with all its children components. Our rendered components can get and set state or props, find certain strings, classes, or tags, and simulate events.

Helpful articles on working with Jest and Enzyme:


For information on running the CDS Authoring Tool in Docker, see the main README.


Copyright 2016-2023 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.