How computers work
- hardware
- operating systems
- binary & assembly
- high level languages - compilers & interpreters
Nilinsel Philae - Ernst Weidenbach - 1846
After this lecture you should
- have a working model of computer hardware
- know what a bit and byte are
- know the difference between an assembler, compiler & interpreter
Why do we use computers - what are their functions - what do they do?
- computation - transforming data
- memory - storing data
- communication - with other computers
What is a computer?
- CPU - sequential computation
- memory - stores data
- input / output (I/O)
What does a computer do - what are it's fundamental, primitive operations?
- access data from memory
- compute new data on CPU
- put data back in memory
What we use to do compute & store data - physical things you can touch
There are many different configurations of hardware
- PC - laptop, desktop
- server - responds to network requests
- mobile
- embedded devices - cars
- mainframe - large, custom server
- supercomputers - many processors working together
All of these have in common a CPU + memory
- this maps directly back to the first two reasons why we use computers (compute & memory)
The central processing unit (CPU) executes instructions
- these are executed in order
- instructions are binary sequences (
) - instructions include basic arithmetic, accessing memory etc
A CPU has it's own local memory
- store code & data of running programs
- registers, caches
A CPU instruction cycle is composed of a fetch + decode + execute step
- fetch an instruction from memory
- decode the instruction (from bits to instruction)
- execute (take an action)
Modern CPU's can have multiple cores
- a core = a processor
- multiple cores can run in parallel
- one core can run one thread or one process
- vector processors can operate in parallel (low array operations)
A better CPU has
- larger cache
- faster processor
- multiple cores
32 vs 64 bit processors = 64 bit processor has more memory
time / program = (instructions / program) * (cycles / instruction) * (time / cycle)
Instructions per program
- program length
Instructions per cycle
- a simple instruction = one cycle
It is possible to complete multiple instructions in one cycle
- or one instruction can take multiple cycles
Processor speed
- clock speed = cycles / second (2.2 GHz = 2.2 billion cycles per second)
- clock cycle = time to run one cycle (0.3 nanoseconds at 3.0 Ghz)
Instruction level parallelism
- work done by the compiler & processor to parallelize a program
Branch predictor = predicts what program will do next
- crucial for instruction level parallelism, which is a major driving force behind high-performance computing
- predict expected result of jump instructions
- over 99% accurate
Further reading
Further watching
- Jim Keller: Moore's Law, Microprocessors, and First Principles
- David Patterson: Computer Architecture and Data Storage
- Jim Keller - Not Dead Yet: Moore’s Law and the Future of Computers
GPU = Graphics Processing Unit
- rendering graphics
- matrix multiplication, parallel operations
- made of thousands of CPU cores + memory (1080 Ti = 3,584 cores, 12 GB memory)
- has local memory (1080 Ti = 11 GB)
TPU = Tensor Processing Unit
- dedicated to neural nets
For data science, the GPU memory is often a bottleneck
- large data samples (images) mean small batch sizes
- important to use a pool of CPU workers to serve batches to GPUs (to keep them from starving)
Data storage
- how much data (MB, GB)
- how fast to read & write data (MHz)
Historically (and still today) memory is the fundamental limit and challenge in computing
- faster memory is more expensive
Processor local memory
- registers, caches
RAM = Random Access Memory
- fast (parallel access of bytes by integer addresses)
- volatile (lose it when powered off)
- arrays of bytes
- store code & data of running programs
- typical laptop has 8 - 16 GB
Hard drives - the disk
- slow, mass storage
- non-volatile
- SSD, spinning disk
- typical laptop has 256 - 1024 GB
Measuring memory usage: virtual versus real memory
Input / Output
- hardware that communicates with the computer
- keyboard, mouse, network card
- logical connection method between two end points
- example = VPN client connecting to VPN server over port 1723
- one end point of a connection
- means of plugging application layer in
- determined by an IP address and port number
- example = VPN client connects through a socket determined by the port number and IP of the local client
Software that manages your computer
- hardware, software, access to resources
- time sharing the CPU between different programs - music player, browser
Linux, OSX
- UNIX based (POSIX compliant)
- most serious computing done on Linux based systems
- means that the same programs work on OSX
- more challenging development environment
- but it is getting much better!
- Windows Subsystem for Linux
- Windows Terminal
Program = sequence of instructions
Process = instance of program in execution
- identified by a PID in Unix systems
- keeps data separate in RAM
- has threads
Flow of execution through the process code
- shares memory with other threads
- like a lightweight process
Moves processes back and forth between the main memory and the disk during execution
- keeps track of each and every memory location
- checks how much memory is to be allocated to processes
- decides which process will get memory at what time
- tracks whenever memory gets freed up or unallocated
Process address space is the set of logical addresses that a process references in its code
- when 32-bit addressing is in use, addresses can range from
Python uses garbage collection
- automatic
- removes old objects based on a reference count
Further reading
The CPU performs computation - it does this using a set of instructions:
- copying / reading / writing data
- addition, multiplication
- bit logic - NOT, AND, OR, XOR
- jumps - branching etc
ISA - Instruction Set Architecture
- different for different CPU (x86 etc)
These differences in instruction sets are why compiling can be challenging
- you need to know what instruction set to know how to compile code into the correct assembly
Further reading
Historically code was run mechanically (switches, vacuum tubes) or in punch cards (allowing repetition).
In the 1970's the terminal allowed programmers to use a computer by manipulating text.
Bit = 0
or 1
- one bit of infomation
- mapped to DC electrical signals
Binary code = 011100100
- also known as machine code
Byte = 8 bits - one byte can represent the integers from 0 to 255
one bit -> 2 numbers (0, 1)
two bits -> 4 numbers (0, 1, 2, 3)
three bits -> 8 numbers (0, 1, ... 7)
n bits -> 2^n numbers
We can represent binary in different forms. For the decimal 999999
, the binary representation is 11110100001000111111
, and in hexadecimal F423F
Computers think in base 2 (one bit has two states)
- we group in base 10 (10 things at a time - can you guess why?)
- computers group things in 2 (2 things at a time)
- having memory (RAM & storage) in sizes like 1024 MB is so that the computer can use it efficiently
- often see powers of 2 in programs (32, 64 etc)
We can use sequences of bits to represent actions we want the CPU to do (these are CPU instructions)
- copy bytes
- add, multiplication
- bit logic - NOT, AND, OR, XOR
- jumps - branching etc
Binary is what a CPU fundamentally understands - but programming directly in binary is inefficient
Assembly to the rescue!
- assemble code from assembly into binary
- one to one mapping between instruction & binary (
) - processor specific
Hello World on Intel x86-64 - programming-resources/fundamentals/hello.s
- compile the source assembly code into binary
- link with system libraries to produce an executable (this can sometimes happen dynamically at runtime)
global start
section .text
mov rax, 0x2000004 ; write
mov rdi, 1 ; stdout
mov rsi, msg
mov rdx, msg.len
mov rax, 0x2000001 ; exit
mov rdi, 0
section .data
msg: db "Hello, world!", 10
.len: equ $ - msg
Summary so far - we have learnt that
- CPU understands binary (
) instructions - assembly = human readable, one to one mapping to CPU instructions
- assembler = translator
Assembly gives us a lot - but we want more
- use & write reusable, optimized, tested abstractions
- write faster
- write on many different kinds of CPU (portability)
- use libraries (standard library, third party)
We want a higher level language
- but our CPU only understands binary
- what we want is a compiler - to translate our high level language into assembly
A compiler is used to
- translate high level programs into machine code
- not a one to one mapping of code to CPU instructions
After compilation we get an executable
- the complier can produce optimized code (using instruction level parallelism)
- complied programs are fast
Examples of compiled languages are C, C++ and Rust - that are fast, and give the programmer low level control of memory management
- compile source
file into executable binary
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
// printf() displays the string inside quotation
printf("Hello, World from C!");
return 0;
An interpreter can be used to
- examine a program one piece at a time
- generates & executes machine language one piece at a time
A program that directly executes code
- no requirement for compilation, no executable produced
- just runs
- examples include Lisp, Python
Interpreters allow interactive programming
- speeds up development time
- no need to recompile after changing source
- cost of having to do work from scratch each time the program is run
- some of this work is done only once (
, in/__pycache__
The Python interpreter
- translate source
to bytecode - immediately execute in a virtual machine
- run the Python file (works because of the shebang line)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
print('Hello World from Python!')
Many languages mix compilation and interpretation together
- compile
- interpret
- compile then run in VM
- translates assembly -> machine code
- one to one mapping
- translates high level -> machine code
- complex abstractions
- executes high level code one instruction at a time, during execution
- high level -> byte code
- converts from one high level language to another
- common in Javascript - transpile Typescript to Javascript
How Operating Systems Work: 10 Concepts you Should Know as a Developer
Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age
Alex Gaynor: Fast Python, Slow Python - PyCon 2014
What Your Computer Does While You Wait
What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic
John Carmack on Parallel Implementations
Justin Abrahms: Computer science fundamentals for self-taught programmers - PyCon 2014
Building Software Systems At Google and Lessons Learned - Jeff Dean