Some things to maybe add in, depending how things go
- player preference for auto-confirm new round
- not for alpha (NFA)
Order hand with personal trumps separated?- NFA
trick-pile/(calypso -
though think it's irrelevant here) show small grey bits in corners?- slight border round face-down cards? (to distinguish calypsopile) - needs separation above so that we don't have round corners
rotate cards in-transit? just a teeny bit jarring when asymmetric cards (e.g. A hearts) arrive from oppositesimilarly nice to have side-on cards rotated to position- NFA
specialise renounce-flag tooltips to player/suit? -
customised table colours (for people who don't like purple as much as I do :( )? -
Nicer cards & four-colour options - see file Jimble sent via cribbage -
Player names link to profiles? -
Dealing animation
- particularly nice to have at least something to indicate when a new hand begins
Card back user options
- Seems to be enough around of 'beat the leader' to include as a variant. Maybe doesn't need to be done for alpha though
- (i.e. trumping in to trump lead must be higher. Rule as it stands seems better to me, but nice to have both, not in too much danger of configuration hell here.)