- Fix for postmanlabs#133 and postmanlabs#101
- Ignore resolving circular references.
- Upgrade commander from 2.3.0 to 2.20.3
- Upgrade postman-collection from 3.5.1 to 3.5.5
- Safely handling invalid reference schemas/properties
- Safely handling malformed URIs and schemas
- Support for multi-file schemas. Added a new input method 'folder'.
- Fix for postmanlabs#162
- Caching faked/resolved schemas for better performance
- Empty input specs don't throw an error anymore
- Fix for postmanlabs#150 - empty examples don't throw exceptions during conversion
- A
annotation is added for required parameters
- Not throwing errors for missing schema path entries
- Not throwing errors for invalid schema references
- Not throwing errors for invalid schema.path entries
- Not throwing errors for unknown schema types
- More updated copy for mismatch reasons
- Added missing dependency for async.js
- Updated copy for mismatch reasons
- Returning errors instead of exceptions for invalid schemas
- Fix for duplicate mismatches
- Correct validation against JSON request/response bodies
- Correct JSON paths in response mismatches
- Handling cases where API definition parameters have no schema
- Validating input transaction schema before starting validation
- Forcing path variable descriptions to be strings instead of objects
- Exposing option to hide MISSING_IN_SCHEMA mismatches, hiding them by default
- Consistent response formats, more resilient against invalid schemas
- Deleting 'info.version' from generated collection JSON - it's not required and was causing versioning problems
- Scope-related bugfixes in schema validation flows
- New API to validate requests against a schema
- Fix for postmanlabs#113 - Correct description set for falsy values
- Invalid file paths return a falsy result and a reason (instead of an error)
- Invalid option values don't throw errors anymore
- Readme typo fix (courtesy https://github.com/disposedtrolley)
- Handled cases where the URL query has no description property
- Fix for postmanlabs#117 - Maintaining descriptions for form-urlencoded body params
- Added various options for converting OpenAPI specs into Postman Collections, including controlling how examples are generated
- Request parameters now default to a schema-based value generation, response parameters default to example-based value generation.
- Fix for postmanlabs/swagger2-postman2#21 - Not creating folders at each path level unless required
- Schemas with circular object definitions are imported successfully
- Empty local server definitions not crashing the converter
- Custom JSON headers being picked up for request/response body generation
- Stringifying boolean params if present as query parameters (courtesy https://github.com/Firtzberg)
- Fix for postmanlabs#102 - Not crashing on undefined name/email/description properties
- Fix for postmanlabs#90 - respecting
elements defined inside paths - Fix for postmanlabs#98 - respecting
properies while faking schemas - Fix for postmanlabs#88 - escaping / and ~ characters in
s (courtesy https://github.com/bzmw)
- Corrected code snippet in README (courtesy https://github.com/simonlampen)
- Fix for postmanlabs#44 - Prevent crashes for specs that contain a root endpoint (courtesy https://github.com/pitpit)
- Ignoring missing body propertes in schema objects
- Added system tests, updated lockfiles for [email protected]
- Fix for postmanlabs/postman-app-support#6538 - parsing JSON correctly from example references
- Fix for postmanlabs/postman-app-support#6538 - handling references in request/response examples
- Fix for postmanlabs/postman-app-support#6500 - manually stringifying number types as a workaround for SDK issues
- Fix for postmanlabs#23 - custom schema formats are not ignored
- Fix for postmanlabs#18 - consistent parsing for URL variables
- Fix for postmanlabs#64 - array params don't cause a crash with schemaFaker disabled (courtesy https://github.com/brpeterman)
- Fix for postmanlabs#52 - allowing $refs to point to paths, not just components
- Fix for postmanlabs#27 - support for allOf-type schemas
- Fix for postmanlabs#45 - trailing slashes in the path don't create empty folders
- Using a placeholder for servers.url in case the spec has a falsy value
- Support for x-postman-meta for including Postman auth in converted collections
- Fix for postmanlabs#36 - Property names with a . in the name are supported during schema faking
- Fix for postmanlabs#47 - Accepting application/vnd.api+json headers as JSON
- Removing unused dependencies
- Fix CLI test commands (courtesy https://github.com/aerotog)
- Fix README typos (courtesy https://github.com/T1l3 and https://github.com/evertharmeling)
- Safe property access to empty content/authHelper objects
- Setting postman_previewLanguage while setting responses
- Not overriding non-string variable types during schema faking
- Not doubly-stringifying string headers
- Removing Node v4/5 from CI
- Ignoring falsy responses in the OAS spec
- Correct error handling/output logging in the executable
- Showing detailed error messages for malformed JSON/YAML
- Fix for postmanlabs#5 - headers with refs to deeply nested components should work
- Fix for postmanlabs#4 - the cwd (not __dirname) is used to look for files specified by -s
- Adding tests for the executable
- Refactoring, restucturing tests
- Adding support for xml chemas
- Enabling travis CI
- Updating README, adding a license, moving to Github
- Converting all console.error to console.warn
- Handling schema.enum when no other schema is specified
- Resolving parameter schemas while creating requests
- Correctly setting path variable descriptions
- Using a browserified json-schema-faker
- Populating the original request in generated example responses
- Infer the response content-type header from the response body
- Generating more human-readable folder/request names from snake_case/camelCase
- Handling nested schemas, correct handling for oneOf/anyOf
- Prefer examples to schemas while generating example response body
- Correct handling for scheme variables in the URL
- Ignoring schema errors for invalid references
- Blocking schema nesting of >20 levels
- Correctly handling empty security sets for requests
- Removing the insecure node-uuid dependency
- Adding default URLs if "server" is absent
- Better indication of lack-of-support for allOf schemas
- Base release