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File metadata and controls

110 lines (87 loc) · 3.88 KB


At the heart of the protocol is the Manager, ensuring adherence to the prescribed conduct and procedures set by the Registry. The Manager serves as an intermediary layer coordinating communication and interactions between Accounts and Modules.

General Types

struct SafeProtocolAction {
    address to,
    uint256 value,
    bytes data

Safe transaction (invoked via call)

struct SafeTransaction {
    address safe,
    SafeProtocolAction[] actions,
    uint256 nonce,
    bytes32 metadataHash

Safe root access (invoked via delegatecall)

struct SafeRootAccess {
    address safe,
    SafeProtocolAction action,
    uint256 nonce,
    bytes32 metadataHash

Both SafeTransaction and SafeRootAccess MUST have a unique id, which is the EIP-712 hash of the object.


interface ISafeProtocolManager {
    function executeTransaction(Safe safe, SafeTransaction tx) external view returns (bytes[] memory data);
    function executeRootAccess(Safe safe, SafeRootAccess rootAccess) external view returns (bytes memory data);

To handle return data for executeTransaction (as it is an array of actions)

  • The size of data must equal the size of the actions array.
  • Each element in data corresponds to the action that has been executed i.e. data[i] is the result of action[i].
  • If execution of action(s) fail, the transaction must revert.


As mentioned before it is required that both SafeTransaction and SafeRootAccess can be uniquely identified. An example where this is important is tooling related to indexing and querying information for the modules. For this purpose a nonce field is present in the structs, which allows to make the hash calculated for these is unique.

Important: It is the responsibility of the integration (i.e. plugin) to ensure that each of structs can be uniquely identified.

Flow Charts

Root Access Flow

    participant P as Plug In
    participant M as Protocol Manager
    participant R as Registry
    participant H as Hooks
    participant A as Safe Account
    P->>M: `executeRootAccess`
    activate M
        M->>R: `check(address integration)`
        activate R
        R-->>M: `uint256 listedAt, uint256 flaggedAt`
        deactivate R
        opt if Hook is set
            M->>H: `preCheckRootAccess(Safe safe, SafeTransaction tx, uint256 executionType, bytes executionMeta)`
            activate H
            H-->>M: `bytes preCheckData`
        M->>A: `execTransactionFromModuleReturnData`
        activate A
        A-->>M: `bool success, bytes memory returnData`
        deactivate A
        opt if not success
            M--XM: `revert`
            opt if Hook is set
                M->>H: `postCheck(Safe safe, SafeTransaction tx, uint256 executionType, bytes preCheckDa)`
            M-->>P: `bytes data`
        deactivate H
        deactivate M
    else on any revert
        M--XP: `revert`

Automatic Enforcements



It is inevitable that more features will be added to Safe{Core} Protocol (e.g. new modules). As the Manager is the central part of this setup, it is important to consider a path for integrating these new features. Using an upgradeable proxy for the Manager would introduce unacceptable security concerns. Separating too much of the functionality into separate contract to allow reusability (i.e. the list of enabled integration) would increase the gas costs, and so is also not practical. A better pattern is to allow new versions of the Manager to load information from a previous version and thereby facilitate a migration.


The Safe{Core} Protocol is designed to extend accounts with ERC-4337 support. Managers MUST implement the required ERC-4337 functionality outlined in the ERC-4337 page.