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E3V3A edited this page Aug 23, 2014 · 17 revisions

IDE Requirements

AIMSICD can be built using any IDE that supports the Gradle build tool, used by projects such as Android Studio or Intellij IDEA plus many others. (Gradle is the new equivalent of the old "Ant" build tool.)

Required Libraries

Google Play Services library must be installed in SDK Manager as this supports the Map Viewer functions. Gradle build files will provide links to all other required libraries.

General Procedure (if you have never build Android Java Apps before) for using Android Studio:

  1. Download and install the JAVA SE Development Kit 7 (JAVA 8 is not yet supported) from here.
  2. Install the latest Android Studio from here.
  3. Follow the setup instructions here.
  4. Add the required SDK pakages...

❗ Use a supported JavaVersion (class -> dex conversion can't handle 1.8 right now). VERSION is unrelated to your JDK. The JDK has to be >= VERSION.

  1. Import the project into your IDE
  2. Build project
  3. Run project on device