DELETE users/:id/friends
Removes the user from the list of followers.
- A valid Consumer Key must be provided in consumer_key parameter.
- Alternatively, a valid OAuth request with an authorized Access Token will be accepted.
- id (required) — ID of the User to remove from the followers list.
A JSON array with un-followed User object.
All known errors cause the resource to return HTTP error code header together with a JSON array containing at least 'status' and 'error' keys describing the source of error.
- 403 Forbidden — The user requested has been disabled or not in followers list.
- 404 Not Found — User does not exist in our database.
DELETE v1/users/827595/friends
user: {
id: 827595,
username: "voldemarpetruskauskus",
firstname: "Voldemar",
lastname: "Petruskauskus",
birthday: null,
sex: 0,
city: "",
state: "",
country: "",
registration_date: "2012-05-15T11:19:42-04:00",
about: "Voldemar",
domain: null,
upgrade_status: 9,
fotomoto_on: false,
locale: "en",
show_nude: false,
store_on: false,
contacts: { },
equipment: { }