You want this package to be awesome and we want to deliver on that. As you know already you can just File A Ticket, but thats not actually the best way for you to get what you need (read on to see why). The best way is for you to Be A Champion and dive into the code.
The reality is that filing a ticket isn't always enough. This is probably only going to work if your issue aligns with both the interests and the resources available to the core team. Here are the things that align with our interests in order of priority.
- Fixing widespread, common, and critical Bugs.
- Fixing uncommon but necessary Bugs.
- Introducing new Features that have broad value.
Now keep in mind available resources. Long story short, the thing you care about needs to be cared about by either a lot of other people, or by us.
BUT! There's another and, arguably even better way that helps you get what you need faster: Be A Champion.
Being a champion makes it easy for us to help you. Which is what we all want! So how can you be a champion? Sponsor an Issue or be willing to write some code.
If you're willing to write some code we're willing to:
- Open a design discussion, give feedback, and approve something that works.
- Provide guidance in the implementation journey.
So, in a nutshell, let us know you're willing to do the work and ask for a little guidance, and watch the things you care about get done faster than anyone else. The best help will be given to those who are willing to help themselves.
You may be thinking that you can't help because you know nothing about native iOS or Android or maybe even React code. But we're willing to help guide you.
If you're up for that task then we can help you understand native code and how React Native works.
The only way you go from not-knowing to knowing is by learning. Learning isn't something you should be ashamed of nor is it something you should be scared of.
Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to make changes to the library. All the documentation on how to work on the library and it's dependencies is located in this Guide