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164 lines (112 loc) · 6.29 KB

File metadata and controls

164 lines (112 loc) · 6.29 KB


tyler 0.3.11 (2024-07-25)


  • If there is only a single tile, the root contains the content and the tileset geometricError is 0.00. (#45)

tyler 0.3.10 (2024-03-08)


  • Update geoflow-bundle docker image


  • The smooth-normals and simplification-max-error options

tyler 0.3.9 (2023-12-09)


  • Parsing CityObjects without a geometry member
  • Median vertex count from a single CityObject

tyler 0.3.8 (2023-09-18)


  • Remove debug info from release build
  • Geometric error above the leafs defaults to 12
  • Update geoflow-bundle docker image

tyler 0.3.7 (2023-08-21)


  • Geometric error calculation for the parents of the deepest leaves, where the leaf has an edge length of the grid cellsize.
  • Replace maxz in leaf content if minz is greater than maxz.
  • Tile bounding volume when tile is empty.
  • Fixed the hardcoded timeout.


  • Set content bounding volume from tile bounding volume with the --3dtiles-content-bv-from-tile option. Required when the tile content is clipped to the tile's extent, for example for terrain.
  • Write quadtree content bounding box to .tsv with --grid-export.
  • Log all arguments in debug.
  • Split an explicit tileset to external tilesets if the tree is deep.
  • GitHub Action for publishing to DockerHub to 3dgi/tyler (#40)


  • Debug data, incl. --grid-export, is written to the debug directory within the --output directory.
  • Remove logging from geof. Speeds up the conversion and fixes the extreme memory consumption when geof emits a large amount of messages.
  • Use BufWriter for writing the input paths.
  • Implement parallel computation for the extent, where the direct subdirectories of --features are visited in parallel (but their contents are processed sequentially).
  • Floats in the 3D Tiles tileset.json are written with 2 decimals
  • Implement parallel indexing of the features, where the direct subdirectories of --features are visited in parallel ( but their contents are processed sequentially).
  • The grid is centered at the computed extent, instead of matching their origin.
  • Rename tiles directory to t to save space in the tileset.json
  • The tile content bounding volume, content.boundingVolume, is not added to the tile content anymore. You need to enable this option if you want to include the content bounding volumes. Enable it with --3dtiles-content-add-bv.
  • The grid's cell size is adjusted so that it is possible to construct a tightly fit square of 4^n cells. The final cell size will be larger than what is set with --grid-cellsize.

tyler 0.3.6 (2023-07-17)


  • The --grid-export switch does not export the feature centroids anymore. Use the --grid-export-features if you want to export the feature centroids together with the grid cells.
  • Write both pruned and unpruned tilesets. Unpruned tiles are only written in debug mode.
  • Reduced the logging in debug mode.


  • Invalid subtree for implicit tiling, in case of very large areas (eg. the Netherlands).


  • Write the world, quadtree and tiles_failed instances to bincode when running in debug mode. The instances can be loaded for debugging with the --debug-load-data, in which case tyler will load the instance data instead of generating it.
  • Describe how to generate debug data.

tyler 0.3.5 (2023-06-28)


  • Option to only generate and write the 3D Tiles tileset, without running the glTF export. Enable with --3dtiles-tileset-only.
  • Timeout --timeout in seconds for the converter subprocesses. If speficied, tyler will kill the subprocess after the provided seconds, otherwise it will wait for the process to finish.


  • geoflow version reporting

tyler 0.3.4 (2023-06-22)


  • geoflow-bundle version in the docker image

tyler 0.3.3 (2023-06-19)


  • Infinite loop in the glb conversion in geoflow-bundle, in a rare case during the mesh simplification.
  • Infinite loop in case there is not a single CityJSONFeature file in the directory tree.


  • tyler and geoflow versions are reported as info

tyler 0.3.2 (2023-05-05)


  • proj related fixes for running Tyler under Windows

tyler 0.3.1 (2023-04-06)


  • Add the proj crate as a submodule, because the proj-sys build script need to be changed so that proj-sys can be built with MYSYS2 on Windows (see georust/proj#156).
  • Warning instead of error when the gltf export in the subprocess fails (fixes #36).
  • The geoflow flowchart directory can be set at runtime with the TYLER_RESOURCES_DIR environment variable. By default, the directory is set to the CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR at compile time.
  • Features are assigned to tiles based on their bounding box, instead of only their vertices (fixes #28).
  • Update the geoflow docker image.
  • Improve documentation.

tyler 0.3.0 (2023-03-17)

First public release of Tyler. With this version Tyler can generate 3D Tiles v1.1 from CityJSONFeatures that are stored individually in files.

Details of the 3D Tiles output:

The current version depends on the geoflow-bundle for converting CityJSONFeatures to glTF. Therefore, we strongly recommend to use the provided docker image for running Tyler.