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Planet Defenders

Peter Bignold, Richard Harder, Aiden Taylor, Alex Tran, and Nick Zhao

Planet Defenders is a 2D arcade-styled defense game. The player must defend their home planet from incoming projectiles.

How to Run
  1. Download planetDefender.GUI.jar and planetDefender.TEXT.jar from the releases tab under "Version 1.0" (or click links to download)
  2. Place .jar files in desired directory
  3. Double-click planetDefendersGUI.jar to open the GUI version.
  4. Otherwise for the text-based version, open command line
  5. java -jar <path>\planetDefendersText.jar
  6. Enjoy!
Game Instructions (Text-Based)
  1. Increase your score by destroying projectiles, and survive as long as possible
  2. If a projectile gets too close, you will get hit and lose 1 of 3 lives
  3. Type the character of the projectile you want to destroy (Ex. <A>)
  4. Type <Reset> at any time to start over
Game Instructions (GUI-Based)
  1. Increase your score by destroying projectiles, and survive as long as possible
  2. If a projectile hits the planet, you will get hit and lose 1 of 3 lives
  3. Point and click on desired position to block projectiles from hitting the planet
How to Compile Separately
  1. Install Java JDK 8 (
  2. Download Planet Defenders source code (
  3. Set your JAVA_HOME and PATH (
  4. Move to src directory and compile all the pdef files by typing <javac pdef/*.java>.
  5. Move to src directory and compile all the fxapplication files by typing <javac fxapplication/*.java>.
  6. Run the following versions by moving to the src directory and type in the following:
    Text-Based --> <java pdef.Main>
    GUI-Based --> <java fxapplication.Game>
JUnit Testing

Currently our JUnit test for the Projectile class only works within Eclipse. After installing Eclipse, follow these steps to run the JUnit test.

  1. Create a new project in Eclipse and ensure the JUnit 5 library is added
  2. Import all files within the game's src folder (including into the new project's src folder
  3. Right click inside pdef.JUnit > Run As > JUnit Test

Written By: Alex Tran