Planet Defenders is a 2D arcade-styled defense game. The player must defend their home planet from incoming projectiles.
- Download planetDefender.GUI.jar and planetDefender.TEXT.jar from the releases tab under "Version 1.0" (or click links to download) - Place .jar files in desired directory
- Double-click planetDefendersGUI.jar to open the GUI version.
- Otherwise for the text-based version, open command line
- java -jar <path>\planetDefendersText.jar
- Enjoy!
- Increase your score by destroying projectiles, and survive as long as possible
- If a projectile gets too close, you will get hit and lose 1 of 3 lives
- Type the character of the projectile you want to destroy (Ex. <A>)
- Type <Reset> at any time to start over
- Increase your score by destroying projectiles, and survive as long as possible
- If a projectile hits the planet, you will get hit and lose 1 of 3 lives
- Point and click on desired position to block projectiles from hitting the planet
- Install Java JDK 8 (
- Download Planet Defenders source code (
- Set your JAVA_HOME and PATH (
- Move to src directory and compile all the pdef files by typing <javac pdef/*.java>.
- Move to src directory and compile all the fxapplication files by typing <javac fxapplication/*.java>.
- Run the following versions by moving to the src directory and type in the following:
Text-Based --> <java pdef.Main>
GUI-Based --> <java fxapplication.Game>
Currently our JUnit test for the Projectile class only works within Eclipse. After installing Eclipse, follow these steps to run the JUnit test.
- Create a new project in Eclipse and ensure the JUnit 5 library is added
- Import all files within the game's src folder (including into the new project's src folder
- Right click inside pdef.JUnit > Run As > JUnit Test
Written By: Alex Tran