Welcome to MobX. Please provide as much relevant information as possible!
I have a*:
- Question: Feel free to just state your question. For a quick answer, there are usually people online at our Gitter channel
- Issue:
- Provide error messages including stacktrace
- Provide as much relevant code, or, preferrably create a reproduction based on this JSFiddle:
- Did you check this issue wasn't filed before?
- Elaborate on your issue. What behavior did you expect?
- State the versions of MobX and relevant libraries. Which browser / node / ... version?
- Idea:
- What problem would it solve for you?
- Do you think others will benefit from this change as well and it should in core package (see also mobx-utils)?
- Are you willing to (attempt) a PR yourself?
Please tick the appropriate boxes. Feel free to remove the other sections.